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Jennie sighed before turning the doorknob, seeing Jin in his suit as he waited for her outside their gate and she swear she was getting nervous upon walking up to him. "You're so early."

"And you're so beautiful."

Jennie's eyebrows furrowed at him before he smiled and opened the car door, gesturing for her to enter and she did. The whole ride had been so silent and Jennie wasn't used to things like this but with Jin? It was like both silence and having a conversation with him could kill her any moment.

The whole ceremony went well but Jennie wasn't, as she witnessed how the two shared a sweet kiss in front of her very eyes.

And so I thought it was me you'll be with. And so I thought it was me you're going to kiss in front of everyone. And so I thought you're the one.

She excused herself as she could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes. Knowing that it was hurting her once more, Jin chose to follow and stood beside her outside.

"So, what do you suppose we do?"

Jennie turned to him with creased eyebrows. "What are you even talking about?" she quickly shook her head at him. "Thank you for coming with me but you need to go now."

"And where are you going?"

"That's none of your business."

Jin chuckled at her. "Let me just clarify things with you. You asked me to be your escort and not your driver so I have the right to go with you anywhere you go."

Jennie sighed upon hearing him uttering those words. She only nodded her head and slid inside his car and he followed, asking her where they would be heading to when she answered, "Office."

Jin didn't understand why she would even go there when it was time to rest but nonetheless, he chose not to ask her, probably thinking that it was just normal for her.

For the next few weeks, that turned into month, Jin had noticed that Jennie had been drowning herself with works and sometimes asking Nayeon about how Jennie was doing. Her answer will always be the same. Saying that Jennie had been distracting herself in work to forget about Taehyung and that made his worriness doubled.

Waiting outside as he looked up at Jennie's office later that night and seeing the lights still on, Jin had made up his mind and entered the building, riding the elevator as he went up to her office. Even when he was still a few meters away from the door, he had already seen her through the glass walls that she was lurking through her computer as her eyes were already glued to it. Opening the door slowly, Jennie hadn't even noticed Jin's presence before he leaned against the wall, looking at her.

After what seemed like a couple of minutes, Jennie hadn't even laid her eyes on him that made him finally walk to her desk.

"I believe work's already done about two hours ago." he looked down on his watch. Still, Jennie hadn't turned to his direction or even say anything. "Come on J, you needed rest."

"Leave me alone."

Shaking his head, he held her wrist. "Please stop this. You're killing yourself."

"I said leave." she threw his hands away, going back to her computer.

"Don't be so stubborn." he insisted but the lady was once again avoiding him. Jin knows it doesn't have to go this far but he's got no other choice but to remove the plug that turned off the computer.

"What are you doing?!"

"Let's go." he pulled her wrist as she tried removing his hand on hers, punching him in the back until he heard her already crying, making him stop in his tracks before they could even leave the office.

"Please..." she started sobbing. "Leave me alone... I don't know what do with my life anyway..."

Jin wrapped his arms around her for a tight hug, also stopping her from punching him, her head leaning against his chest. "Don't be like this. Don't let that man ruin you while he was out there enjoying his life with that jerk."


"Listen to me, J. You have to let him go." he whispered against her ear. "Although it hurts, you need to. Don't worry... I'm here. I'll help you forget about him."

It seemed like that made Jennie realize something as she looked up at him. "Really?" she wiped the tears away from her eyes, trying to keep a composed expression. "Then kiss me."

Jin didn't expected her to ask that nor did he expected her that she would take what he said the wrong way. He was telling her that he would be a friend that she could tell her pain to and a leaning shoulder she could cry unto but not this.

She suddenly chuckled. "I knew it. None of you would ever be true to your words."

Before Jennie could even walk away from him, Jin grabbed her wrist before he aggressively pressed his lips against hers. Jennie was very surprised of it too but later on found herself giving him back the kiss. Jin had his lips travelling down her neck as he slowly unbottoned her shirt as they were both drawn into the sensation.

The last thing that Jennie remembered that night was that they both hadn't controlled themselves as it happened... again.

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