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The boy blinks slowly, his eyes adjusting to the darkness that is the inside of this woman's car. He faintly remembers the never ending screams of his parents as they quarrel once again, and the way it feels when his father lays his hand upon him and his mother. The boy decides that curling into himself and leaning against the car window is the best option, seeing as even though he doesn't have a clue of where he's at, it is at least calm and quiet here. Here, his racing heart can calm itself and he can maybe get some rest before school tomorrow.

His somber silence does not last long before the loud wail of something fills the air, and he cries out as he wraps his small arms around his head. It isn't until then he notices that he has his favorite All Might blankey next to him as well as his favorite stuffed dog. He clutches them both tightly. Suddenly, there are voices outside the car, and the door opens sending him flying head first onto the concrete curb. He doesn't do anything but whimper as he lies on the cold ground in pain, a woman he's never seen before pulling him up into her arms and rocking him, asking him questions about how he feels and how his head is. There's a soft and warm dribble of something red going down his face, but he pays it no mind. The woman yells for a 'paramedic' and she rocks him, and in that moment he just wants to go to bed. He's tired of the loud noises and people he doesn't know and new sounds and sights and he thinks that if he can just escape back to his bedroom this all will go away, and he'll be safe and warm and happy.

"The kid looks like hell," he hears a gruff voice say as he's handed over, and someone starts to poke at the fresh wound on his temple. He whimpers as he burys his head in their clothes, swatting at the hand that won't leave him alone. "I'm trying to help you here, buddy. Just give me a second and it won't hurt anymore." Despite the way the man tries to sound comforting he fails miserably, sounding more tired and annoyed than anything. The tall man sets the boy down on the floor of his ambulance, grabbing a first aid kid off the wall and beginning to work. "What's your name, kiddo?"

"Izuku." The boy mumbled slowly, and the man nodded.

"Nice name. How old are you then, sunny?" Izuku winced when the man began to tape his head.

"You didn't tell me your name," his voice was soft and the man sighed before he answered, trying to be gentler with the greenettes head.

"My name's Shin. Happy now?" Izuku nodded slowly. Things got quiet after that, or as quiet as things could be with police raiding a family home and neighbors starting to show up, worried and judgmental. Shin continued to look over Izuku's other injuries, a few bruises here, a few bruises there, a long cut going all the way down his left arm and at least week old burn marks on his arms and legs among other small injuries. The small boy complained at the pain in his head and the man gave him some pills before ducking off to the front of the truck for something or other. That's when the screaming began again.

It was his parents, of course, being drug outside with their hands behind their backs as they screamed at each other. Izuku should have guessed that even now they'd be fighting- they always were, for as long as he could remember. (That was, unless his father was drunk or one of them were gone or busy with something in opposite rooms of the house.) The seven year old watched hesitantly as they began to get loaded into separate cars, loud lights blaring off the top of each. He wanted to run towards them, but was unsure if he was allowed; the men in the dark blue suits looked menacing, and he knew they were police.

But then his mother found his gaze, and Izuku wasted no time before running towards her as fast as his tired little legs could. "Oh baby," she cried when she bent down towards him, the smaller of the two wrapping his arms around her neck as she sobbed. His father began screaming again, and he finched as he did.

"Izuku, if you have any sense in that dumbass brain of yours you'll tell these kind people to fuck off! I haven't done anything wrong! That wife of mine is the one who did it!"

"Oh bullshit, Hisashi! I haven't done a damn thing!" Just then the woman from before and a police officer came to pull Izuku off of his mommy, and he began to scream along with his dysfunctional family. The boy didn't want to go anywhere but back to his room to bed, so he could tune out the fighting and snuggle up in the sent of his blankeys and stuffies and go to sleep. He thrashed in the woman's hold as he reached for his mother who faught the police men weakly holding her back from her only child.

"I want my mommy," he sobbed and screamed and kicked, and eventually the woman handed him over to the police man who tried to hold him close and calm him. They drug the boy further away from his family and his home, back towards the car he had woken up in. He still can't remember quite how he got there, he just knows he doesn't want to go back there, even after they set him down in a car seat and strap him in and hand him his favorite dog toy and All Might blanket to try and calm him.

"Sweetheart," the woman started, and he already decided he didn't want to listen, "I need you to answer this man's questions honestly, pretty please? We'll let you see your mommy if you do." Her voice was pitched too high and the tone was sweet enough to be sickening, but Izuku nodded. He would do anything if it meant he could see mom again.

"Son, how often do your parents fight?" The police officer was the same one that drug him into the car and forced him in, with shaggy hair and a stubbly chin. He held a ratty clipboard and pen in his hand, and the greenette noted that he was left handed. He vaguely wondered what his quirk might be.

"Almost everyday," Izuku's voice came out scratchy and small, and he nearly started crying again.

"Does your mother ever do things you don't like?" The boy shook his head. "What about your daddy?" Hesitantly, the boy nodded. "What's he do?"

"...He hit mommy once."

"What about you? Did your father ever lay a hand against you?"

"Only, only when me or mommy did something wrong." The man nodded and green eyes filled with tears watched the pen tap. The officer stood up after that, said a few words to the woman and then shut the car door. Izuku felt like he was hyperventilating. The space was too small and his mommy- he wasn't with his mommy. His eyes watched a police car drive away from his home, yellow ribbons encasing the entire building from the front door to the sides, dissapearing from view as it wrapped around like a snake.

The other two cop cars were gone.

He screamed.

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