Rivals - Bangchan

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Jinhee's POV

Tick tock, tick tock

The clock was ticking as the teacher gives out the test results to the students. I was waiting for mine and finally my name was called out to go to the front of the class. As I stand, Bangchan's name was called out to the front too so the both of us stood in front of the class and everyone didn't really pay attention to us.

"I'll be announcing the person who got the first place in class for the highest grades"

yes, I muttered under my breath. I've been waiting for this day since the first day of school and throw away the second place title. I'm sick of hearing the teacher calling Bangchan as the smartest guy in my class EVERY YEAR. And I have always been teased by him for getting the second place. And I want to change that. I want it to be vice versa. There're many whispers theorizing that either of us will get the first place.

"And the first place goes to.." Everyone turned their heads to the front of the class, anticipating to know who got it. Bangchan seemed relaxed while I was there being all nervous.

"Congratulations Bangchan!" My heart stopped. No way he got it. Again. I worked hard enough just to beat him but I failed. Like how villains try to defeat the hero but the hero always kicked the villain's ass away. Bangchan as usual jerked his tongue at me and tears started to brim in my eyes.

The teacher congratulated me for the second place and handed a stationary set as a prize but I didn't accept it. I ran out of the classroom instead. Everyone was shocked and looked outside the window to see where I was going but I didn't care. I kept running 'til I stopped in front of the field.

Bangchan's POV

I felt terrible teasing her so I excused myself out of the classroom to search for her. I didn't forget to bring the prizes though.

After walking around the school for what felt like hours, I finally found her. Sitting in the middle of the peaceful field. I walked towards her with a mischievious grin and scared her from behind.

I laughed so hard seeing her terrified face as she hugged herself into a ball. I stopped as I heard her muffled sobbing. I sit besides her, not knowing what to do so I patted her back awkwardly. Jinhee finally showed her swollen face and I felt bad again. But at the same time, my heart made a back flip when I saw her face. Her beautiful face.

I really hate those feelings but I admit it. I like her. I just can't think of a way to tell her though. She already hates me for what I did to her and most likely would reject me.

"Do you know how much of a jerk you are?" She said while wiping away her tears. My smile fell down and I heaved a sigh. I responded after a few moment of silence. "I know, but you know what?" she furrowed her eyebrows and I could tell she was trying to ask what it is.

"I like you" I said it quietly and she was surprised. She denied it and I couldn't blame her. Why would a jerk like me likes her? I know she deserved better but somehow I had to ask.

"I know I'm a jerk but would you give me a second chance? I will do anything to change" I looked at her with hopeful eyes, hoping she would. She opened her mouth and tried to say something but nothing came out of her mouth. I lost hope and stood up, ready to go.

"Nevermind, I'll just-" 

"Yes, I would"


WhoOp my first one shot book, hope you like it even tho it's cringy i know :") but feel free to suggest anything in the comment section or request (even tho my writing sucks-) and I'd appreciate it if you vote for this book and I'll see you around! xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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