001. CLOUD 9

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Did you see her fall?
From where though was it?
Cloud 9.
When she hit the ground, her breath left her body
just for a moment.
She remembered finally how her wings were supposed
to work and flew right back to the stupid cotton candy
cloud only to fall
Stupid girl, you would think after
the abuse
the stalking
the ghosting
the running
the guilting
the hatred
the blame
the lies
and the rejection
she would learn not to fly back.
But she does anyways.
No one knows why she does it.
She just does.
And she'll fall and fall
Forget and forget
Remember and remember
And get back up all over again
Only to be shot down until one day
she lays on the ground, bleeding from her
wounds, crying from the pain, and comes
to find that her wings are broken and
she will not fly any longer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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