Love Deeply.

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I love deeply.
I find the air escaping my lungs
through a passionate dance
and my heart racing a long with it.
My body is a canvas of my passion.
It reacts to the love I feel.
Explosive is my heart.
Pounding exhaustively to anything that excites me.
Erupting the rest of my body
in a frenzy of emotion that is
so beautiful and rare to see.
I want to be  love. 
I want the art of it all to catch someone's eye
and heal them of pain
take it all away, replenish their hearts with ardor.
Sometimes I feel things so intimately
so much joy that my lips are over flowing with laughter
stretched for miles in a smile.
My legs and arms become mountains of cold chills
my body is so sensitive to the enlightenment of love.
The gravity of passion can pull me to my knees,
Turn my eyes into faucets leaking silver tears.
Becoming vulnerable to emotion so powerful
letting it invade your body
to react in a way, so purely human,
is the most breathtaking way to live.
Live in passion, rejoice in love,
and let yourself be moved by your heart
telling you where to go.

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