Visions of Reality

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"Girls? Mrs. Zeisner will see you now." the secretary, Mrs. Queenan, said to the four of us, sitting outside of the office. We shuffled silently and seated ourselves in front of our new principal. "What in the world happened today?! I've been at this school for two weeks and already a fight! This isn't a regular thing for this school is it?" She asked us. We solemnly shook our heads. She sighed in relief. "So tell me. What made you four resort to violence?" Oh no. Those words. I just knew the thing I saw was going to happen now. There's nothing I can do. Except maybe warn them!


"So tell me. What made you four resort to violence?" Mrs. Zeisner calmly asked. Before any of us could respond, Sienna yelled "Duck and run!!!" I had no idea what was going on until I heard a sound. Gunshots. Glass shattered around us, and I did what she said. I ducked and ran out of the office, following Sienna. But not before I saw a bloody Jennifer fall to the ground beside me. Someone shot Jennifer. I heard Annita scream while Mrs. Zeisner yelled "Lockdown!!" Mrs. Queenan quickly made the announcement throughout the school before running closely behind us. As we ran down the hall I looked back to see Mrs. Zeisner carrying a hopefully unconscious Jennifer. I choked. Even though I hated her, I definetly didn't want her dead. That wasn't the only thing I saw. Three men in all black were jumping through the broken window into her office. "Quick! To my classroom!" Sienna whisper-yelled. Mrs. Walpoles class was the closest room with people in it. And her door was still open. We rushed inside, slamming the door and locking it behind us. Sienna and I quickly put up the black construction paper to cover the door's window. Mrs. Zeisner layed Jennifer down on Mrs. Walpoles desk and ordered some kids to bring her wet paper towels. The students flocked to Jennifer's side, as the principal dabbed her wounds and soaked up the blood. BAM! BAM! BAM! "Open up! We know you're in there!" a rough voice yelled, pounding on the door. Everyone just stared at either the door or Jennifer, most of them looking worried as hell and shaking violently. Some were even crying. Sarah and Meaghan were huddled in a corner, holding each other. We ran to them, as we heard more pounding and voices shouting "We'll break down this door!" and "We're giving you one last chance to open up!" No one moved. I noticed Sienna was shaking violently.


Oh geez. I don't want anyone to die. But I don't know what happens after this! AAAGLEFAAAGLE!!! It's so frustrating!! And nerve-wracking. A splintering sound interrupted my thoughts, as the criminals busted through the door. They each had evil smiles on their faces and a gun in each hand. One also held a club. "Alright I'll make this simple." The leader growled maniacally. "Follow our rules and most of you won't get hurt." No one said a thing. They just grinned. "This'll be fun."


Sorry! Short chapter I know! I just wanted to publish since I haven't in a while. Also, PARAGRAPHS ARE DUMB!! SO IM NOT USING THEM!!

I just don't get paragraphs. I swear I'll work on this more! And remember, I am the Eternal. Always.

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