Chapter 3 || Finishing Touches

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{Wednesday afternoon: two days until graduation}

Mya's POV

I looked at my graduation cap and smiled. It was perfect. I took a picture and sent it to a group chat with Cassie, Cole, and Parker.

Mya: {Photo}



Mya: Thank you!

Of course, Cole and Parker didn't respond, they probably have some business thing at the moment. I put my phone down on the kitchen table and slowly crept to the refrigerator to grab a snack. I know I'm 'grounded' from the kitchen but he won't know. I sat down in the living room and turned on the tv. 

I heard the door open about half an hour later. I stood up and peeked out of the living room and saw Cole. He looked up and smiled at me, causing me to smile back. He waved slightly at me and went into his office. 

For the next ten minutes, Cole answered several calls and I sat on the couch filled with boredom. I looked at my phone and texted Cassie to see what she was doing, no reply. I looked up at the ceiling and just thought. 'That's it, I'm bored. I'm gonna go bug Cole,' I said to myself. 

I sat up from the couch and walked over to Cole's office. I peeked around the doorway and sort of 'spied' on him. "Thanks again," I heard him say as he hung up. I leaned a little father and, to my surprise, my feet slid out from under me and I fell over.

Cole started laughing at me as I just laid there. I sat up and look at him, he was still dying of laughter. "That was great!" He exclaimed. "Oh shut up," I replied. I fully stood up and walked into his office and sat back down on the floor.

"Do you need anything?" Cole asked, still recovering from laughing at my wipeout. "I need a cure for my boredom," I replied. He just looked at me and turned back around to his computer. I stood up and walked over to his desk and stood behind him. 

"I'm bored, can you tell me something interesting?" I asked. "Dreams are just glimpses into alternate dimensions," He replied. "Woah... Wait, really?!" I awed. "I don't know, I just made it up now," He stated. I shook my head and smiled slightly.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. While drinking out of the glass, I looked at my graduation cap, I knew it was gonna stand out. 

'Graduation Speech'

I instantly placed my glass on the kitchen table and stumbled up the stairs. 

"Woah... What happened?" Cole called from downstairs. "GRADUATION SPEECH!" I screeched from upstairs. I searched around the bedroom and couldn't find my laptop. "Cole! Have you seen my laptop?" I yelled down to him. "Umm... Last I remember you had brought it to Cassie's," He replied. 'That's right! I brought it to Cassie's for a project,' 

I rushed downstairs and right out the door, not even bothering to close the door behind me. I ran as fast as I could. When I got to Cassie and Parker's house, I knocked on their door while breathing heavily. 

"Mya?" Parker said, "Are you good?" "Project...Cassie...Laptop...Left it here..." I said between breaths. "Hey, Cassie? Mya says she left her laptop here, I think," Parker yelled to Cassie. I could tell Cassie said something but I couldn't understand it. Parker left the door and came back seconds later with my laptop in hand. "Oh my goodness, thank you!" I exclaimed. I ran back to me and Cole's house and ran through the doors, actually closing them behind me. I ran over to the living room and immediately started writing my graduation speech.

Two hours later, I wasn't done at all. I was getting hungry and drowsy though, so I put my laptop on the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Cole!" I yelled out. "Yes?" He questioned. "I'm un-grounding myself from the kitchen because I'm hungry and I wanna make spaghetti," I replied. I heard Cole stand up and walk into the kitchen. "I'm just gonna supervise you," He said. He walked up beside me and looked down at me, I looked back up at him. He gave me a soft smile which was everything to me. I couldn't handle his adorableness and pulled him into a hug. Who knows why I don't. I just needed a hug.

After dinner, I was ungrounded from the kitchen and Cole and I watched a movie. I had to still write my speech in a day which was stressful enough. If I don't finish, I can just improvise. I hope this all works out...

To be continued...

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