How he proposes to you

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Daniel: He will treat you to a day of luxury and shower you with kisses and hugs. When you get to the restaurant you will eat your lovely meal and for desert you will bite into your little cake and find a ring. That's when he takes it from you, cleans it off and gets down on one knee. He asks you "Will you marry me" and of course you say yes! He then will pick you up and kiss you.

Jonah: You and Jonah love Harry Potter!
So he surprised you and took you on a trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! You spend all day exploring every little square inch of the place then right as you get to your favorite part Jonah stops and gets down on one knee and you thought he was fixing his shoe but he pulled out a ring and said "Y/n I love you so much, and I didn't know of a better place to do this then right here! Y/n will you marry me?" You say yes and jump into his arms and kiss him.

Jack: You and Jack spend all day at the beach surfing and tanning! When the sun begins to set he pulls a blanket out of the back of the car and a basket with food. He sets up a little place for you to sit on and he pulls out the food. He pulls out a box and looks at you and says "Y/n I have loved you for so long you are so beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you! Will you marry me?" You tear up and say " Of course! I love you Jack!" You kiss and he slips the ring on.

Zach: You guys go to the trampoline park you spend hours jumping and having fun. Until Zach jumped and accidentally knocked u over causing you to hit your head making your nose bleed. You left the place and hurried to the ER, turns out you had a broken nose. Zach kept on apologizing and saying " This wasn't how the day was supposed to go , I'm sorry!" He then proceeded to pull out a box and knelt down and said "I know this isn't the place to do this but will you marry me?" You smile as you face ached and you said "Yes" and he kissed you on the cheek and you hugged.

Corbyn: He picked you up at ur house late at night to go for a midnight drive ! You grabbed some fast food and headed to your favorite spot and parked where it looked over the city with all the lights! He parked and you guys ate.He reached over and grabbed your hand and picked it up placing a kiss on the back of it. He then said " Y/ n you are so beautiful I love you so much." He unbuckled and said "follow me". He laid a blanket on the hood of the car and you both climbed on it and layed on your backs. Corbyn grabbed your hand then sat up and said "Y/n what do you want for the future? And you replied with "Well I want to get a good job that I love and have a nice house and a family with you! You looked at him confused. He said " I'm glad cause I want that to! Y/n will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" You sat up and saw him with a box in his hands you smiled and said " Yes! Yes yes yes !" You kissed him and he slipped the ring on your finger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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