E l e v e n .

277 13 0

Saturday 7:04 PM

I laid on the bed as I felt my eyes getting heavy from all the crying I had done. I watched the sunset against the house door from the window when a knock was on the door.

I groaned getting up going to answer it, and once I opened it I saw Sad Eyes, "Spooky here?" I shook my head no, "Tell him we'll be back over later."

I nodded in agreement closing the door as he walked away when another knock laid on the door, and I looked through the peep hole seeing a female silhouette standing on the other side.

"Yes?" I opened the door seeing Carissa, and rolling my eyes.

"Of course, you open the door." She scoffed, "Anyways, is he here?"

"Who?" I said getting smart, and she crossed her arms, "Thought you were ready to go for the little brother."

"I think that's your job instead of going after another girls man." She smiled at me.

"He's not here." I answered her, and went to close the door.

"Well, I need to talk to him, so I'll wait." She pushed her way into the house.

"Whatever." I walked into the dark of Cesar's room, and pulled the knife out my bag sticking in my pocket.

I sat at the kitchen table in silence as she sat on the couch waiting for Spooky. All the anger built up in me made me want to just start beating her face in, but I decided against it. Even though I had more than enough opportunities. Then the low rumbles of a car pulled into the driveway.

"Man, that was intens..." Cesar opened the door, and stopped as he saw Carissa. Then his gaze went immediately to me.

"She said she needed to talk to Spooky." I shrugged getting up from the table. "I'll be out back."

As I headed outside I grabbed one of Oscar's beers from the fridge opening it, and immediately took a long drink. I sat on the couch thinking of everything that happened that day, letting the tears flow, as I took another drink.

"Araceli." I heard Cesar come outside, and quickly wiped my face.

"Over here." I responded, and saw he followed the sound of my voice.

"Are you okay?" He sat next to me.

"As okay as I'll ever be nowadays." I chuckled. "All I wanted was to see my sister, and They had to ruin it."

"It's okay." He pulled me into a hug, "She got into it with Spooky after you left. It was crazy."

"Oh my god. How'd that go?" I pulled away looking at him.

"It was intense I should say." He spoke shrugging his own shoulders.

We heard glass breaking inside which put our conversation on pause as we both got up. As we approached the door we saw beer bottles everywhere, and could see that Carissa was clearly yelling.

I opened the door quietly, and walked in, "After everything Oscar? Really?" She stated, "Over that fucking puta?"

"I told you earlier. It's not because of her." I saw his shadow shake it's head, "I told you the reason was because of shit like this."

"What the fuck ever. She's probably out back boning your brother and you're in here defending her." I stepped in the doorframe of the kitchen with my arms crossed.

I cleared my throat making my presence known, and she looked at me anger in her eyes, "You fucking whore!" She yelled coming full force at me, and punching me in the face.

Safe | Oscar Diaz .حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن