Give Me What I Want I

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A/N: I was having maaaajor Jolinsky feels; they're my OTP along with Shameron, don't kill me Cash shippers *cough*. And Sillon, (Sam and Dillon)/Skammy to name a few. Please vote and comment! Will be posting this one shot in two or three parts. I need to cut it down because I kinda went over board, whoops. Okay maybe a lot. But I had to remind myself that this is a one-shot, not a story which may be possible in the future. ;) I need to edit anyway. Picture is of Johnson after Jack gets out of the bed! He's so precious.

Jack G's POV:

I lie in bed next to my sleeping boyfriend, Jack Johnson, while staring at the hotel ceiling. His arms and legs are wrapped around me, and his head is on my bare chest. I sigh and run my fingers through his soft blonde hair. Tonight we had sex. I topped. I love topping of course, I love treating my baby boy in the best way possible, but I have recently been wondering what it would be like to get fucked, to be at the mercy of Jack, to submit and give all of me to him. Slowly, but surely I have started craving the temptation. I slip out of bed, and Jack grasps at my pillow and makes a little sound in his sleep, and turns over. So adorable.

I trudge to the bathroom and flick on the lights. The brightness burns my eyes, and I squint at the alarm clock. 3:09 AM. Might as well take a shower since I smell like sweat and sex. Normally Jack and I would take one together, but he took one earlier when I passed out. I strip off my boxers and turn the nozzles to my water temperature setting which is hotter than what Jack likes. I set fresh clothes out and a towel on the counter and climb into the shower. As the water plummets down on me, I think more about my increasing desire to just beg Jack to fuck me. I wince at the thought and cringe. How embarrassing. I have a little more pride then that, and my ego wouldn't appreciate that too much. Or am I just arguing with myself to make me feel better? I lean my head back, closing my eyes. Burning water gives off a thick steam. The water runs down my body, the shampoo suds washing out. I condition my hair, and begin washing my body. I hand grazes my member, and I bite my lip. My mind is suddenly flooded with images of Jack fucking me in the shower. Being pressed up hard against the glass door and back arched and knees bent while Jack slides his cock in and out of me and I beg with no shame for him to fuck me harder.

I stroke my dick while running my other hand over my body. My head tilts back and my lips part. I let out a string of gritty moans and curses as I cum all over the shower door, sinking to the ground, exhausted. Steam fills the air and water droplets cling to me. The shower stream washes away all evidence of my thoughts.

I know what I want now. I want Jack. I want to be Jack's bitch.

Just for one night.

You will have to follow me to see part two because it's private! I'm sorry!
A/N: And that's part one! I feel like that sucked. Idk man, I'm tired and I'm too lazy to edit right at this moment. But please tell me what you thought! And just putting this out there. Look. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but please, no little kids reading this. And my definition of a little kid is somebody who doesn't need to be reading about sex. If you're not old enough or mature enough to read, then don't. Okay that's my little rant for the day. Hope you enjoyed!

QOTD: Do you have an ex boyfriend/girlfriend you'd get back together with?

AAOTD: Hell to the no.

Muchas gracias, Puffy

Give Me What I Want (Jolinsky) One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now