Chapter 4 - The Task

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"Hurry up Savannah, Mr Power is going to get angry if we're late", my best friend Ashlee was telling me.

I was a bit nervous going to gym class today. It was going to be so awkward.

"I'm coming, don't worry we're not going to be late".

When we get to class, we are in fact the last people to class and late. I give Ashlee a guilty look.

"Girls you're late, you know the drill two laps around the gym", Mr Power told us.

All class I couldn't make eye contact with him because I knew I was just going to foolishly grin at him making it obvious that I knew something. Ashlee kept asking me if I was alright. I always replied "I'm fine".

Finally gym class was over and all the girls piled into the change room. The usual talk was going on in the change room. 'How hot was Mr Power today?' 'I wouldn't turn up to gym class if it wasn't for Mr Power'. Instead of joining in all I could think of is 'His actually a spy' or 'His real name is Nicholas Hunter Blake'.

When everyone was changed I told Ashlee to head up to lunch without me and I'll come up in a few minute. Surprisingly she said ok and left without questioning it.

I went straight to Nick's office when she left the change room. Before I could even knock he opened the door and welcomed me in. "Shhh you must be quiet now, we are going somewhere". He walked towards his filing cabinet but instead of pulling out one draw the whole four draws opened like a door. "It's actually a picture of four draws this leads to 'Black Guns', coming in and follow me". We walked in the secret filing cabinet passage way and walked to a different room with all this scientific equipment.

"First place your hands on top of this scanner and it will scan your hand print so you can open doors to get into 'Black Guns' or back in your house by yourself. Next you will have to prick your finger so we and get DNA. Then I will tell you your job".

After I scanned my hand and pricked my finger for blood it was the part I'v been wanting to find out since early this morning.

"The reason why you're here is because we need more people in our athletics department. As I told you this morning you are one of the most outstanding sports person at this school. You will be trained in other departments to know how to crack codes, not leave finger prints or clues and you will be trained by me to improve your fitness. When you are ready you will be given tasks and sent on missions. You will start off with small tasks but as you get better they will get harder and you will be sent on missions. You will have a break tonight but tomorrow night you will start training. It will be the same time you met me today. For the first few weeks I will meet you where I did today but then you will have to go by yourself. Are you happy with what I'v told you?"

"Yes thanks". I didn't know what else to say. This is really going to change my life.

"Oh would you look at the time, lunch is nearly over, we better get going".

We head back off but when we get to his cabinet door he tells me to turn right and there will be another entry for me to go through because it won't look good if I come out of his office. I press my hands against the wall and the wall does a 180 turn revealing a toilet in front of me. I sit on it and it turns so that I'm in a cubical. I leave and head straight to class on an empty belly knowing that I'll have no time to eat anything now.

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