lviii / if they care

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If they care,
they'll always make a way to stay.
They'll build a shelter of bricks
in your storm.
And stand still in your rain.
They'll never run away from,
the fire spitting out of your soul.
Or the coldness of your touch
For if they care,
they'll always be there for you.
No matter how severe,
the hurdles will come.

They know you have brittle bones
And aching scars.
A true lover will never be blinded by the demon in us.
For they're the warriors.
Reaching out to you when in need.
Their love is immense and pure.
They'll bring your chaos to a peace.
They'll fight the demons in you,
and bury them deep.
Don't shut everyone out.
Let some people walk through your streets.
Through the roads and tunnels,
Of the city you build.
Made from your broken scars,
and destructive thoughts you keep.
let them rebuild you,
and let them help you heal.

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