Something just like this

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So it was late at night and I was listening to this song and reading Loki x reader fanfics so have whatever this is :P Also wait till I tell you to play the song. K thanks.


P.S. Swearing and depressed

P.S.S. Loki has been stripped of his powers making him mortal and he has been left for the avengers to deal with so there plot... XD


Your pov

My alarm clock blares. I groaned throwing it across the room trying to get it to shut up which it did thankfully. But then I smell something burning and knew Tony was trying to cook yet again. He's been trying to learn since Ms. Potts left. Steve's been teaching him to get his mind off her. It seems to have helped. Maybe I should try learning something new? I sighed when I heard the smoke alarms go off and got out of bed to go see at least what Steve was trying to teach him this time. I walk down the hallway into the kitchen and this is what I see. Tony fanning the smoke away from the smoke detectors Steve using the fire extinguisher because apparently, a small fire had started up to which Loki was standing in the doorway being hot as- what the fuck y/n. To be completely honest I had a small... well actually HUGE crush on Loki but I could never tell him. He would only shatter my heart further than is has been... Anyway, I walk through the kitchen to the coffee pot to get that magic elixir also known as coffee with a shit ton of creamer. I sit on the counter and which Tony finally got the alarm to stop.

"So what were you trying to teach him this time cap?" I asked sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Pancakes. To which ended in disaster yet again." Tony replied frustrated.

"Hey, you're getting better! The batter is good you just cooked it a little longer that's all!" Steve said. (Lol Steve sounds like my mom) "Here I make the rest. Food will be ready in a few."

"Kay cap. I'll be in my room if you need me." And with that, I hopped off the counter and went back to my room.

(Just imagine this but with black curtains instead of white)

(Just imagine this but with black curtains instead of white)

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I flopped down on my bed not knowing what to do. I glanced at the time it was 9 o clock. Guess I woke up late. I've been doing that a lot lately but I make sense being that I stay up late like 3, 4, even once a whole 32 hours. And I don't mean to stay up I just do. Some would say it's depression, I say that yeah it probably is but what do I care. It's not like everyone sees this facade all the fucking time that I'm happy and dandy but what do I feel? Like I don't deserve someone like Loki. I mean how could I compare to the ex-god? All those books talking about his might and stuff. I always feel small and useless. I mean I don't have any powers. I'm just a simple, useless morta-

*knock knock* "Hey Y/N? I'm coming in."

I hear Loki's voice from behind the door. I sit up as he comes in.

"Rogers wanted me to- are you crying?" Loki asks.

I pat my cheeks. They were damp. Had I been crying this whole time? I sniff and wipe them. "Uh- I *sniff* I had stubbed my toe hard." I lie. I guess this is what happens when you suppress emotions not that I mean to.

"Uh-huh well, are you okay?" Loki asks suspiciously.

"Well, how do feel when you do especially on this damn carpet. It has to be the devil." I laugh. The carpet has indeed gotten me more than plenty of times.

"You need me to kiss it better?" He smirks.

"Loki!" I laugh again.

Loki's POV

Why is she lying to me? Something is very wrong. For some reason, I feel sad that she's lying. It's probably that emotion Thor was explaining. I always thought emotions made you weak but they are quite persistent and seeing how mortals use them is intriguing. But why is y/n lying to me?

No one's POV


"Yeah Lokes?"

"Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm n-not."

"Please don't do that. It hurts me."

"What do yo-"

Loki pulls y/n up and kisses her. She immediately kisses back. It was short and sweet. When they pulled away Loki asked again "Why are you lying to me, my dear?"

Y/n looks away. "I- I...." y/n backs up a little leaving space between them.

"Y/n l/n why are you not telling me what's wrong! I want to help." Loki says worriedly.

"Why?! Why do care? I'm just a useless mortal anyway!" Y/n shouts at him.

"Because I love you!" Loki shouts back. Realizing he just confessed he starts blushing crimson. Y/n was blushing just as hard.

Y/n could hardly believe what she had just heard come from his mouth. The Loki Odison just confessed to her of all people! Y/n tried to form words but non came out.

Loki took a step closer and hugged y/n. "You are not a useless mortal. You are a brilliant, talented, beautiful person."

"But how can I compare to you? Your a god for heavens sakes! I don't even have any powers." Y/n says on the verge of tears.

Loki sighs and hugs y/n tighter. "Can I show you something?"

Y/n looks at Loki confused but nods. They pull away and Loki pulls his phone. He clicks something and a song starts to play.

Play Song

Loki started singing to y/n softly pulling her to him. They began to slow dance in y/n room. It was peaceful, soothing for y/n. She felt safe and at the same time overwhelmed with emotions and silently began to cry. How could she have found someone so perfect and excepting of her?

When the song had finished Loki pulled y/n into a tender yet passionate kiss. They pull away and leaned their foreheads together nether wanting to disturb the silence. Loki finally broke by saying

"My darling?"

"Yes, Loki?"

"You will always be enough. Don't try to compare yourself to me because in my eyes you are my one. You are my queen."

"And you will always be my king."


Words: 1080

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