bad mood (chapter 13)

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Hey guys I know my story is getting boring!!;( but thank you for saving it to your library I feel energetic to update, even to your coments thank you:)

Please tell me if its to ugly just tell me even its to harsh I don't really care but I hope its not:)

Tell me okay, atleast I know

Let's start



"Bebe darren wake up were going to school," samantha said tickiling my ears, she's really annoying

"Stop calling me that name!" I said and stand walking to the bathroom

I'm on the door of the bathroom then I just remembered samantha, I look at her she's looking at me in a flirty way

"You can go out now I'm awake!" I said sarcastically because of that annoying girl samantha

"No," she said I look at her in an angry face

"Fine!" She said and went out

That's better

I hop in the shower, I brush my teeth and dressed I look at the mirror and fix my hair

"Ahhhhhh!!" I heard a scream and I run downstair and I saw samantha she is shouting at the door


I'm on ally's house cause we had a sleep over, day 1 at school or maybe in hell... I suddenly remembered darren I thought for a moment and pull ally out and pull her in darren's door

"Where are we going?" She said but I ignore her she knew were in darren house

"Common!" She said then I press the doorbell

"What are we doing her?" she said

Suddenly the door open, we saw a girl like in our age open the door

"What do you need?" She said in a no manners way

"Hey......umm.....we need to talk to darren can we?" I said calmly

"Hey!!! Bebe darren is on his room and what's your name?" She ask I look at ally she is like a tomato I think she's angry

"Bebe.....darren?" Ally spoke

"What's wrong? He's my boyfriend if you got a problem with it tell me b*ch!" She said to ally, I saw ally she's really angry right now I think its not good anymore

"Who do you call b*ch!!!" Ally said in a no manner way I stop them too but suddenly

"Ahhhhhhh!!" The girl shout, what's her problem

"Hey! Shut up will you!" Darren said running to the door and saw ally

"Hi!" I said and wave at darren face


Now my day is really bad I met darren's girlfriend

"Your girlfriend here don't know goodmanners!" I said irretated

"Girlfriend?" Darren said

"Hey don't be a fool okay, i know she told me!" I said and rolled my eyes and look away so we can't have a eye contact

"Hey!! Samantha your not my girlfriend and your not my ideal girl!" He said to the girl her eyes meet mine and glared at me I look away

"Okay let's go to the bus stop!" Maxy said, we went to the bus stop and wait for the bus

Awkward silence....

"So!! Miss you guys even you best! Ahh.... where's anny?" He said, I feel butterflies in my stomach cause you know I like him

"Umm... she's in our grandma's house," I said,

*beep, beep*

The bus is here I hop in and seat at the back.... darren seat besides me and samantha he's in the middle maxy sat with gleize our classmate...

"Best!" Darren said

"Yah?" I said whithout looking

"Please don't be mad," he said making his puppy eye,

Its cute... wait ally stop it, stop,stop

"Fine.." why did I say that word?

"Okay thanks!" He hug me in a friendly way

This samantha girl hug darren in a flirty way

"Darren you know tita nel want me for you!" She said like she's jealous about the hug hahahaXD

Darren just stared the window like em always do when I'm riding a bus

Looking at the window, looking at the house we past by and looking at the clouds always thinking if darren looking at the clouds too....huhhhh

'WHERE HERE' the conductor said we hop out and read out schedule

"Hey, maxy subject?" I ask maxy you know if were classmate in the first subject

"God....... its MATH," I know my best friend don't like math hahahaXD


my best day ever(darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon