Name it.

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"I don't know how to handle human offspring..." Oline whispered. "You're being pathetic." Kavalai snapped. "Right, Kavalai. I'm being pathetic. So, what do we do with it?" Kavalai looked around with her robotic green eye. "Name it?" "Name it?! That's your number one priority?" Oline whined with no expression, but his orange eye, rolling. "I don't know what el- A..umm it's... Trying to communicate". The baby gurgled and squirmed around, looking up at the robotic beings before her. Oline and Kavalai blinked, expecting something to happen. The baby started crying and whining. "AH! Kavalai THINK of something to do!" "Shut up! I'm thinking..." "Umm... let's feed it!" "What do we feed it?" Kavalai rambled around, pacing right and left.

A few minutes later, and came across a baby bottle. They fed her and she was stopped crying. "Oline, we have to name it." "What about... Blanika?" "What kind of name is that?!" "I don't know!" They looked at the milk bottle, and saw the label with a face on it. Oline picked it up, reading the name of the woman. "Kim?" "That sounds better, Kim it is."

There was a moment of silence before the baby started crying again.

Oline and Kavalai groaned and rushed over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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