chapter 19

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was just chilling with Ku in the cave that I had put here with my imagination. I had finished with training about an hour ago and was bored so me and Ku just started talking and eventually we got to the cave and just started chilling. I had already learned about the 5 Nations and I Know that they all have ancient relecs that have yet to be found and that the nations forgot about them and what they do. Lucky me I have a spell that let's me transport anything to me but I have to know exactly what I am looking for. Luckily for me Ku had seen them before.
Recap end
                           Naruto/Naru's POV

I slowly started to fade away. Good timing to I was staring to get bored just talking about my training with the ancient relics and how to use them. "Bye Ku! See you later!" I said/yelled with a smile on my face. " Bye kit see you later." She said to me.

I slowly woke up and saw that kakabaka was hugging his pillow luckily not me, at least not this time. Anyways I did my morning routine and then got changed I this.

 Anyways I did my morning routine and then got changed I this

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(Ignore the orange or don't do what you want to do. I don't own the picture.)

It was a Black kimono with the Uzumaki sign on the back in red. I Put my henge on and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

Just as  finished I making the food I head the door open. It was the door to the kitchen. Tsunami-san came in and this time she didn't looked to shocked that I had cooked breakfast this time. " Can you help me wake up the others and tell them to come down for breakfast?" I asked her. Tsunami-san just nodded her head I set the table and then went to Kakabaka's room too wake kakabaka up and tell him to get ready for breakfast.

After that I went to Inari's room, woke him up and told him to get ready for breakfast. I left the room and went to Sasuke's Door and knocked. I told him to get ready for breakfast when I knew that he was for sure awake because he groaned in annoyance.

   I went to the dinner table and sat down in my seat which so sadly happened to be next to Inari so I blocked off my hearing for Sakura which was to my left side and waited for the others too come to and to take their seats. Today Kakabaka decided to finally start to train Sasuke and Sakura or as I liked to call them emo Duck butt/ass/tail feathers and Tweedle dumb. When everyone got to the dinner table they started to eat I said my prayers and then started to eat.

When I finished my food I made a shadow clone and told I/her/me to do the dishes. I then left with emo duck butt, Tweedle dumb, and Kakabaka to the forest and he told us- well them what to do I did it on my first try which supprised them because I was supposed to be the dead last, the idiot, that doesn't know anything about being a good Ninja. I could tell that Sasuke was kind of angered that I could do it before him. I went to a clearing to make some clones to train while I was with them to not make them suspicious of me for being away for so long because they might start asking questions and might follow me to my training area and I do not want them to see how strong I really am or to tell the villagers what I am capable of doing because they would treat me worse then they already do.

I told the clones to work on different things so I didn't get Rusty at anything I have in my arsenal. I then went back to the training ground and saw Sakura on a tree branch bearly about 10 feet in the air when I did it I went to the highest branch Wich was about 95 to 100 feet up in the air. Wow I didn't think she was this weak. I sat down and monitored their training after a while Sasuke came up to me and asked me to help him I could tell that it damaged his pride because he was a little red. I then went to his tree and told him if he put to much chakra in his feet he would be blasted off of the tree and that if he put to little he would slip so to Start off put a little bit of Chakra in his feet and work his way up from there to get the right amount so he wouldn't get blasted off the tree and get an injury. I then went back to my sitting spot and just monitored them until we had to go back to Tazuna's house.

I made dinner and then set the table for everyone. I sat at the table and waited for everyone to come to the dinner table. When everyone got down they started to eat. I said my prayers and then started to eat. When I finished I made a shadow clone and told it/'him' to do the dishes for me while I got ready to leave the house to train in my physical body not just my mental body because my physical body does have some limitations and I need to get rid of those limitations to get stronger and not be held back. I snuck out of the house and went to the clearing I was at earlier to train some more and to see how my clones have done and if they have trained enough for the time being. I got to the clearing and saw that my clone where really tired and sweaty.

I couldn't really think of anything to post until now so sorry for that.

Word count:1017

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