Chapter Two-Secrets

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Hello, Lovelies,

I hope your Thursday is going well.  I really want to thank you all for giving this book a chance especially since it has been published in its original form and it's being changed here.  I really hope this becomes the better version.  I will say the first few chapters will not have many changes in them.  Sadly, it appears that I put all my energy in the first few chapters.  However, as the book goes on, it will be different than the orignal with more descriptions, hopefully, no plotholes and more character development.

I would also like to thank everyone who has read, voted, commented and added my books to their libraries.  It means so much to me that my stories are read.  Yes, I want to be a successful author.  All authors do but my books being read and enjoyed actually gives me more joy than anything else in this path.  It's something I've missed.  So, thank you to all who interact with me and show me they enjoy these stories.  Just know, you all put a smile on my face.  You're awesome.  

If you find this story enjoyable please consider turning that star a different color.  Also, comments are appreciated.  I love feedback.  Any questions, comment or send me a message.  I love hearing from you.  

-XXX Amanda


It took a long time before I gained the courage to get up. When I did, I shifted on my feet, unsteady and confused. Tears burned my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks before I managed to gain control of them.

I clutched my stomach as I trembled, hating that I was unable to ignore Andre's reaction to me. After all, I didn't know him. Why should I care? I sighed, realizing the answer. I had never been good with confrontation. I always cried, even when I was angry. I viewed it as a weakness I had never been able to control. As I stood there, shame flooded through me because I found myself weaker than ever. I was ready to give in and break down.

I swallowed hard, trying to push away the shame and embarrassment. I was eighteen years old, but just like a child, I wanted my mother. My chin trembled. I couldn't shake the need to find her. I nodded to myself, deciding to go in search of her.

I walked toward the door with slow, shuffling steps, only stopping when my mother's voice reached me. Frowning, I realized she sounded worried and angry. It was rare that I experienced those emotions coming from her. It caused my stomach to flip, warning me away from something I didn't understand. I reached forward, my hand hovering over the doorknob. Even though I had wanted my mother only a few seconds before, I didn't immediately go to her.

If I did, I would never find out why she seemed so upset. It had to be more than just the man from the night before. She would never tell me, though even though she promised and if she did it would be a half-truth. She wouldn't want me to worry. There was a gnawing in the pit of my stomach, telling me her worries had something to do with me. I needed to find out the truth. I leaned my ear against the door, listening.

"I don't know what to do about any of this, Sophia," she said, her voice breaking. I sensed she had been crying again and my heart lurched. Even through the tears, her anger burst from her. "He won't give up. He'll just keep coming for her until he has her. I can't allow that to happen."

I frowned. Was she talking about the man, Emilian? Why would he come for me? I pursed my lips. That didn't make any sense, unless...

I shook my head at the thought. I did not want to believe my mother had lied to me. I leaned against the door again.

A rich and sultry voice came through next, caressing my ears. It was calming in a way I could not explain. I assumed it belonged to the woman my mother had spoken of. Sophia, Andre's mother.

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