Chapter 2

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() are Ren's thoughts

Ugh!! Really!! There's no way!! I'm gonna make him love me!! I thought all this to myself as I walked out into the alleyway and got stopped by a stranger "you're so beautiful and lovely, would you go on a date with me"
I put my middle finger up at him and walked away. Then he grabbed my hand and pinned me against the wall. Then Ren ran out and punched him in the face.
I felt so happy! He protected me!! Then he took him arm and pinned me up against the wall again. Though this time I liked it. (Wtf help me) he took off his glasses and his blazer (STOP. PLEASE.) "S-senpai!" (I SHOULD HAVE LET THOSE DANG SHADOWS KILL US ALL) and then he started kissing me really hard. It was so good. (DEAR GOD PLEASE S T O P) We kept kissing (ew) until his boyfriend came up and saw us (Ryuji babe I'm s o r r y) He had a really sad look on his face as he walked away from the cafe. (WAIT B A B E N O) Ren shrugged and he went back to kissing me (WAIT IM A CONCERNED BOYFRIEND HERE PLEASE LET ME GO LOVE AND SUPPORT HIM) We went up to his bedroom and started kissing even more (I C R A V E D E A T H). He trailed his kisses down to my neck (S T O P. I D O N O T A G R E E) And then we did something that isn't pg (NOOOOOOOOOOO)

(kill me plz)

A really bad joker x reader that I made on a dareWhere stories live. Discover now