30.05.19 - hi

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   Hi. Welcome to my life blog. My name is Nina and I am fourteen years old. I am single (and ready to mingle) and ready to tell you about my relatable teenage life.

It is currently exam period (ugh) and to be honest it doesn't really feel like it. For instance, I am supposed to be studying now but I am writing this diary. Also, I feel like this year's exams are a bit easy (no hard exams have come up yet so I might take that back later) I mean I don't study that much and I find the exams kinda easy but when I get my mark I might also take that back.

Anyway, today has been kinda simple. Went to school, did my exam, come home, ate, writing this diary therefore because this day was a bit simple I'm going to take you guys on a mini throwback so you can get to know me better.

Ok so... I'm in secondary school and I am not popular in my school. I am a normal person. I'm not in the 'Mean Girls' group which they like to call themselves 'The Hotties' (which is cringy if you ask me but the guys seem to like it which is disgusting and plain ew). Adding on to that, I am certainly not a nerd either because those kids only care about studying and that certainly  is not me. Moving on, I actually like my form class. I have my friends (but they annoy me sometimes) and I have my boy SPACE best friend, Stephan. When I first met him I had a MASSIVE crush on him but after a couple of months we became close and so that crush rapidly went away and we just became such good friends and believe it or not, when I got over my crush for him he started having feelings for me but luckily those also went away. Talking about feelings, I have this crush on a jerk in my class. I know... I know, he is a jerk and I've been crushing on him for so long (9 months and counting) and I love and hate him at the same time. There are not many chances of him feeling the same way about me and he is also one of the 'popular' guys and that's just even more annoying because during class I see him trying but once the bell rings he turns into a douche which sucks. His name is Nathan and you will read about him a lot in this diary.

I have the bestest best friend in the world and her name is Ava. I love her so much but she lives on the other side of the country which basically means I don't get to see her often but luckily enough we have social media and phones so we text everyday (literally, no day will pass without us texting) She is a year older than me and actually we have the same birthday... well my birthday is on the 18th of January and hers is on the 19th but still so close. You will also read a lot about her in this diary.

Lastly, my family... My mums name is Marinna and my dads name is Robert but I will only call them mum and dad in this diary (duh). I also have a little sister named Susan and she is the best sister ever(sometimes). She is only two years younger than me but he will always be a baby for me.

Well that's enough from me today because its nearly night time and I have to study for my history exam tomorrow. Ill start writing about my days and relatable and teenage life tomorrow.

See you x

xoxo nina 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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