Chapter 1

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Pop! pop ! "What the fuck Popppyyy!", I was scared didnt know what to do as the blood dripped down my hands. "Poppy wake up, wake up poppy damn, Wake up!"

I trembled screaming for help "somebody call 911." Neighbors started to come out of their homes disturbed by the sight.

Here I am thinking what am I to do im just a 20 year old girl trying to live my life the best way I can. In less than 10 minutes the police shows up.

They rush him onto the carrier and into the ambulance truck.

Since I was the closest to him I was able to ride along, regardless if I was or wasn't I was still getting on this truck.

We finally made it there and I could see more and more blood coming from his chest and arm.

"Ma'am what is your name?,"

"Veronica, Veronica Wilson." "How old are you, where do you stay, were you there?"

All I could hear was question after question til I finally snapped.

"Why the fuck are yall asking so many questions about me im not the one who is shot! "His name is Rashad, I've known him most of my life someone came from out of nowhere and shot him over what I dont know it could've been over anything, I ran outside and found him lying on the floor."

"Ok Ma'am calm down we're going to do everything to make sure he stays alive but we're gonna have to ask you to wait in the waiting room for a while.

Hours and hours past i couldnt sit still for more than 10 mintues. I got up constantly pacing aroung the room, my eyes were blood shot but I refused to leave until I got some news.

5 hours later

The doctor finally came up to me, I had so many thoughts in my head is he in a coma, is he dead, I needed to know.

"He's stable, we were able to take the bullets out and maintain the blood. He's resting we'll keep him for 2 weeks to run test and make sure everythings ok. As for now I advice you to go home and get some rest we'll notify you if there's any changes." "Thank you doctor please dont hesitate to call im the closest thing to him," "Will do Ms.Wilson."

I grabbed my phone and called my homegirl Jazmyne, "Jaz can you come pick me up from the hospital, I'll tell you the details later."

"Alright, im on my way."

Jaz was there and less than 5 mintues, I told her the story and all she could say was hell naw. I was tired and restless, the sun was slowly creeping up so I was guessing it was at least 6 a.m.

We finally made it to my place and I told her I would call her when I wake up. It was all surreal my best friend was shot in front of my house, thats all I could think of as I layed in my bed.

I couldn't sleep at all that night and I surely didnt wanna think about what was ahead of me for the next day.

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