chapter 11

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I stared acrost the deck at jasper who was stuck in shock and oviosly scared of what I may choose.his life or mine and his.I thought for a second and worked up my plan.I smiled at him and winked.which left him with the weirdest face of confusoin ever I grabbed ahold of the rope around my hands ans flipped around.thank god I have good balence and tolk a tutorial on how to be good at aerobics and air tricks.the games began .it tolk all my strenth to spin in a full circle around and hook my feet into the net jasper was tied in but I had my plan and no one could stop me "make your own choises and do what you want"i yelled to the deck.I bent around and rapped my legs around the rope making the dagger I had hidden in the front of my corset fall out and into hy hands and cut myself free.this was my chance.....this was the time to prove I wasnt just a little girl I was a full blood killing pirate....................................

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