Glasses & Dimples. Book 2.

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I thank God for giving me the Grace and Favor in writing this book. Also, to my parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ochidi and my siblings. And of course my readers.

Thank you all.


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

                                                                                              Chapter 1

I walked into my house and it was an absolute nightmare. Like, literally.

Okay, every equipment, appliances, furniture's and the rest of my valuables were intact (Thank God).

But my friends were not.

My room was in total chaos.

The music was loud and the song playing was "girls just wanna have fun" by Cyndi Lauper. Rachel was screaming her head off at Tari who was having a catfight with a friend of mine. Three of my other girlfriends were laughing their heads off, while others just cheered them on. It was like I had walked into an episode of WWE SMACKDOWN. These girls were literally smacking the shit out of each other.

"What in the world?" Jojo whispered beside me amazed.

My mouth opened and closed like that of a guppy. I was totally out of my element.

First, it was Jojo's antics at the mini-supermarket, then the wannabe policemen, and then finally her crazy mother.

Now, this?

Naaa, hell naaaa... I've had enough.

I marched with agitated strides straight to the Dvd player and switched it off.

The screaming died down but the girls were still going at each other.

"Will you stop your freaking lame ass catfight right this minute?" I screamed.

I'm not one to cuss but I have had enough for tonight.

The girls stopped fighting, but Tari still stupidly held my friends cute top. Her name is Becky.

I stared at them. Tari was looking at me. She had nail marks on her neck and one across her cheekbone. I looked at her hand holding Becky's top and raised an eyebrow at her.

She looked down at her hand holding Becky's top and immediately let go then she looked at me.

"My wedding is in a few hours, and my girls are having a catfight, seriously?" I asked, my blood boiling like that of a hot zobo on firewood.

I snapped my eyes at Becky.

"You!" I demanded.

Becky didn't even flinch at my outburst. She was dressed impeccably in white, shredded jeans and a red halter neck accompanied with black high heels. Her lips were painted red but they were smeared all over her mouth due to the fighting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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