Find The Calm In The Chaos

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April 25, 2062

Only one more hour until I can go home

I've been checking the clock ever since History started. Who thought it would be a good idea to have a double lesson of history at the end of the day? Especially with Mr. Carters. He was a sleeping pill with legs

'and now please have a look at page 236 and read the chapters three to.....'

His sentence was interrupted by a loud siren wail.
The talking stopped immediately as we waited for Mr. Carters to tell us about the fire drill but he looked just as confused as we did.
1 minute passed, another followed but the siren didn't stop
You could feel the tension in the room as everyone now knew it wasn't a drill.

Ding Ding, the Sound of the Speaker echoed through the room.

Please gather your belongings and calmly go to the exits. The building is beeing evacuated

We were calm before but now a panic broke loose as students quickly grabbing their bags and running to the door. The hallway was even worse. Students and teachers were running around, pushing each other to get earlier to the exit. I've never seen anything like that before.


That word shot into my head like a bullet.
Instead of running to the entrance I turned around and went upstairs where the middle school classes were beeing held but there was nothing but Chaos. Children were screaming, some of the younger kids were crying for their parents but I couldn't see Noah anywhere. He wasn't in the hallway or his class. I felt like I needed to vomit when my phone suddenly rang.

'Where are you? Drew and your brother are with me we need to go home right now' I've never heard this voice say more beautiful words before.

'I'm coming Sam' I said as I ran downstairs through the crowds to get to the car.

But I didn't come this far.
Shortly before I reached the car people in front of me started running and screaming like they've seen the devil in person so I turned around and saw it. The reason for this whole chaos was right in front of me. I couldn't move, all I did was staring at the enormous Tornado that was directly heading in our direction.
Trash bins started to fly around as the deathly wind came nearer and nearer but still, I couldn't take my eyes of it.

A strong hand grabbed my arm and dragged me away forcefully. The wind was howling, the cars started to shake and now it even started to rain heavily. It took me a few seconds before realizing all of this was real. I spinned around and ran to the car, Sam was right behind me jumping in the seat driving away.
The streets were packed with cars but thankfully there was a huge corn field on our left that connected the main street with the smaller ones. Other cars saw Sam take the turn to the field and followed us quickly but we were far ahead. So far ahead I didn't see if they actually made it. All I could see was corn infront of me and Sam on the driver's seat. By taking a closer look at his face I noticed how strangely calm I have been the entire time but same couldn't be said about Sam.

This was the first time I've ever seen him worried. Well he wasn't worried to be exact, he looked absolutely terrified.

Terrified but yet so beautiful...

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