chapter 2

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Jennifer slowly wakes up tears in her eyes she wipes them away as she looks up too see lights shining in through the window she gets up from her bed and walks to the bathroom splashing her face and brush her hair. She puts her hair up Into a ponytail.

Jennifer lays her clothes out and starts to gets dressed into pants puts her hiking boots puts a tang top on with a red and black flannel she walks downstairs to the basement

She grabs a knife and puts it on a holster on her thigh she grabs her crossbow and arrows  grabbing. pistol with a suppressor fucking it in there back of her pants she grabs more ammo for the pistol she grabs her bag with clothes and puts them in it puts the bag and cross now on her back she goes to the garage opening it she walks to her bike getting on driving it she moved out of the garage then shuts the door .

She heads east to Atlanta Georgia to her brother Derek she gets to Jackson Mississippi she stops to fill the bike up with gas she looks around looking for anything weird the gas stood pumping and she puts it back putting the lid on her gasket trying her bike  again and continues to Atlanta.Jennifer starts to feel tired she pulls off of the road and into the woods she sets up a small camp area she lays her sleeping back down out a her bag on the floor and lays down

Jennifer is looking up at the stars next to the fire she had built and starts to fall asleep.

Jenn wakes up a few hours later packing her stuff up fixes her hair and gets in the bike headed to her brother .

Her brother told her some stuff was going on people turning on people and to stay in texas  but jenn didn't take no for an answer and packed up her stuff to help her brother.

She finally reached the outskirts of Atlanta and head to her brothers home in the city. Jennifer stops in the middle of the street looking around seeing trash and not seeing anyone around she slowing moves her bike as she's looking around she sees a woman stumbling around as she's walking Jenn was watching her when the
Lady started to stumble toward her making gasping growling noises jenn freaks out revs her bike and takes off.

She starts to think about her brother and started going faster to him she gets to his home  parking the bike in front and grabs her things she walks up the steps to notice his door was open she slowing walks in holding her cross now up looking around seeing the home a mess and everything broken.

She hears something and she points the bow down the hall she sees a tall figure walking towards gasping and groaning she raises her bow"who are you and why are you in my brothers home !! ".

the man kept coming to her jenn felt threatened she wants the man and she shoots him in the chest he still moves toward her she freaks out as she's backing away she falls back pulling the trigger and it hits his head and the man falls onto the floor she's sitting there as she walks over to the corpse taking her arrows.

She slowly walks down the hallway holding her bow she opens the door with her foot .

Her heart drops when she sees her little brother on the floor bleeding from his arm and near his neck she drops her bow and runs to him as he's grasping for air she looks at him trying to help " j....Jen s.stop " he says soft .

"What are you talking about I can help you !!" She starts. to panic.Her brother looks at her softly saying "Jen once you're bit once you're scratched you turn there's no cure to the head is the only way to kill them"

She looked at him with tears and he says "please don't let me turn into one of them jen" he slowly picks up a knife next to him and hands it to her "she looks at him trying to nudge the knife away but he puts the knife in her hand and says "Jen please I don't have much time"

Jen takes a deep breath  kisses her brothers forehead as she's doing so she says" I love you little brother " Derek slowly closed his eyes as she puts the knife through his head she pulls out the knife dropping it and starts to cry.

A few hours later she hears a gun shot she picks up her bow puts a blanket over her brother and  closed the door behind her. She walks out of the home and sees a man on a horse she looks behind her and sees a swarm of the dead walking towards her she gets on her bike with her things reveal of the bike and takes off toward the mountains breathing heavy and panicking .

She makes it to the mountains and doesn't expect anyone to be there but she finds a Group of people she rides her bike slowly to the group and they all get up holding a weapon.

A tall army built man with a shaved head walks up holding a rifle points it to her" who are you do you have any idea what could have happened if the walkers heared ya!!! " Jennifer looks at the all breathing hard as she falls to the ground blacking out .

A few hours later Jennifer wakes up tied to a tree and sees the group looking at her as a older man with a white beard takes a wash cloth and dabs her forhead with some water
Jenn starts to tear up as she speaks" I wasn't bit I wasnt scratched please untie me" a woman with his length brown hair walks over and checks her body 

"My name is Lori what's yours sweetheart" as she looks for bites or scratches. " My name is Jennifer but please call me jenn " said jenn with her head down " you've been through hell haven't you" Lori asked Jennifer nodded softly as the tall army looking man walks up saying"names shane sorry you pull anything you're out of her understand me!! "

Jennifer nods as Shane unties her she gets up stretching she looks around Lori start to introduce every one "Jennifer ..that's Carl my son Sophia she ed and Carol thats amy dale Shane Daryl is  out hunting and a couple of our group members are out looking for supplies " when Lori is finished they all greet her and welcome her .

Jennifer looks around and sees her bike walking up to it and walks it to a shady area away from every one she starts to pitch up a tent and get it ready before dark. She hears a twig snap  and she grabs her knife and lundges out of the tent tackling a rugged rough looking man landing on top of him putting the knife against his neck " God damn woman!!! " Daryl says allowed .

Jennifer looks at him removing her knife " shit I'm sorry " she says getting up and reaches for his hand" names Jennifer but you can call me jenn" Daryl helps him self up and says " watch what ya doin next time!!!!".he says  annoyed " I said I was  fucking sorry asshole !! " Jennifer says standing her ground " ya whatever damn women " he says walking away .

Jennifer watches him walk away and smirks biting her lip a bit as she puts her knife back in her sleeve on her leg and walks back into her tent laying in her sleeping bag.

*Daryl's prov*

I was walking back from hunting bringing back a couple of squirrels  I say the kill by the t.v. I look over to see an unfamiliar tent and a kickass bike I walked over to the area I stepped on a twig and the chick came lundging at me tackling me to the ground putting a knife at my throat all I could say was "God damn woman!! I shouted it took me a minute to adjust what happened she tells "shit I'm sorry" she stands up and I get up  to get look at her she had a tang top on with jeans boots she had her long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"Watch what ya doin next time!! "I say annoyed looking at her she start to get mad and her check turned red when she yelled back " I said I  was fucking sorry asshole!! "

"Ya whatevr damn women! "I say walking away I look back to see her growing back in to her tent and I walk to my kill to skin them and clean them .

(Jennifer's prov)

I've never been so embarrassed in my life I almost killed him fucking idiot for sneaking up like that I open the top topper from tent so I can look outside at the stars I teared up as I started to think about my little brother I softly cried into my  sleeping bag and fell into a deep sleep.

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