Getting Materials

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"Where are we going to start?" I asked. Gloria looked over at me and started to speak. "We're going into an abandon village to find left over supplies." I was wondering why an abandon village but I just nodded. "This way." She said as she flutters along a pathway. I wanted to find drake, I didn't want him to get hurt. "I have a question," I spoke softly and Gloria glanced at me and nodded. "Why an abandon village, and how did it become abandon?" Gloria had fixed her hair and was hesitant to speak but she responded. "About a decade ago... This village was a place of harmony and peace, but that soon ended," I listened carefully thinking that this must of been something bad if Gloria has hesitant with her words. "This whole world was a place of harmony and peace... Until the battle of the vampires and werewolves. Both of them wanted this world to be there own, but once they found out, they fought for it. Everything was ruined, homes destroyed and family members perished." I was very fascinated by the tale she was telling. "Wow.. That's horrible." She looked at the ground for a quick second but then she looked back up. "Yes, it was, but soon it ended and my team mates and I decided to keep an eye on them." I nodded as I looked at her and she began to speak again. "We've learned that once every year, they come together and sacrifice a human... But we can't let that happen, if they do it now, tonight on a blood moon, everyone will perish." I nodded again and looked around. "That's why we need to find Drake." She had smiled slightly and glanced back at me. "Precisely...Here we are.." Gloria said. It wasn't to far from where we were. The place was basically In ruins, halves of houses and roofs gone, everything practically destroyed, just as Gloria described. Gloria had lead me through the village, bones were scattered around in certain places. I had shivered, wondering what had happened to those people... Or creatures. I was usually skittish around blood and insides of anything, it just made me... Sick. That's why Halloween was my least favorite holiday. We walked for a while and then we came upon what seemed to be a blacksmith's work shop, it wasn't totally in pieces. Although the door was missing and there was glass shattered everywhere. "Careful where you step.. You don't want to get cut." I nodded and looked around, I then looked at Gloria. "The blacksmith.." She smiled and fluttered over to the counter. "He was one of my good friends." I had watched her as she pulled a small bottle out from a hidden compartment and drank it willingly. My eyes widened slightly and I tilted my head. She fluttered upwards and spun in circles and sparkles surrounded her as they grew. I backed up slightly, I was a bit confused and unsure. The sparkles were like a deep sea whirlpool that spun round and round in circles easily with no struggles at all. I closed my eyes as the sparkles soon wore off revealing that Gloria was now human size girl. Her hair was long and straight, blue the sea. She had wore leaves as clothes and they were painted blue or at least it seemed. She had a belt made from weaved from green grass. Her I shimmered in the light that came through the remains of the ceiling. Her light skin was very beautiful in the lighting...she was pretty, very pretty in fact. I had never realized until now that she was this pretty, I was kind of jealous. Although the jealousy faded away into my mind thinking how it that was an important right now. "Now it'll be easier for you to hear me and for you to see me." I nodded and wondered where we would find weapons or armor or something, the ruins were deep. There was remains of the place but it seemed it was going to fall anytime soon. "Okay, we need to find stuff fast, I have a bad feeling about this place" I glanced down at the ground quickly and looked back up at her, it almost seems as if I was shy... but I never acted like this before well unless I like Gloria but I need to focus on Drake right now. Gloria had nodded slightly and lead me through the ruins and into a small room that had seems to not have been damaged. There was nothing but a small chest in the corner and she pulled me over to it, my shoes scratching against the cobblestone floor. "And here should be the weapons we need and possibly some armor and if we can't find some we can go back to my home and get some." She spoke softly and beautifully I shook my head again and she looked at me strangely wondering what had been going on most likely. Why was I feeling like this.I wondered it was strange, could a girl like a girl? could a girl like a fairy? was it possible? All these questions are wandering around my mind creating a maze that I had to go through. "Is anything wrong?" Gloria asked quietly as she stared into my eyes I shook my head and looked away speaking back. "No I'm fine I'm just worried about Drake." Thought of a quick lie, just so I wouldn't have to tell her any feelings that I had inside. Gloria shrug slightly and open the chest it contains a dagger and a couple throwing knives, and it also had a small sword close to a dagger but not quite. Gloria handed me a couple throwing knives and the longer dagger. "Thank you." I mumbled in a sort of way. There's also been a helmet but there is no way that it was going to help us in anyway so we left it there. We had already been down the road, I had to carry my weapons but Gloria had inserted hers into her belt. Gloria walked in front of me as I walk behind her quite slowly traveling through the maze of questions in my head. "We're going to my house real quick just to grab a set of armor, it's not that heavy either so don't worry about it." I nodded once more and sighed slightly, I still didn't want to open up my mind yet, I didn't know what I was thinking, I hadn't been to the center of the maze.

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