"I promise"

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He wasn't aware of what he was doing right now, it was like he was in trance and not longer in control of his own body "Yes you are" she said almost in tears "and you're not my brother" she said as they looked each other directly in the eyes "Stop it, please" she said as you could barley hear the last words "Please this isn't you this is madness" this word triggered something inside him and so he pushed her against the wall and she screamed "Don't EVER say that again" he said keeping her pushed against the Wall as she began to shiver and cry "Please leave me alone, we've all suffered, we've all seen terrible things but you lost your mind" "I've seen things you cannot imagine, I already died Sansa, I've been fighting in wars where I almost died again. I haven't lost my mind, I've lost the too many people and the love of my life, twice, both died in my arms. I've suffered far too many things in one human life and I'm done with it, I don't wanna suffer anymore Sansa, I don't" he had tears in his eyes as he slowly released her a bit, seeing what he's doing right now. They were staring at each other till he finally released her completely and she drew a sharp breath, before someone could say a word Jon left the room.
He went outside, he needed to get a clear mind, immediately, so he jumped on his horse and started ride, until he saw something strange, but as he looked closer it seemed strangely familiar. He rode a bit further until he suddenly stoppend and got off his horse, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Drogon ?" he whispered as he slowly walked towards the dragon of his former lover "What are you doing here.." he raised his hand to carefully pet the dragon. He looked on his back, but there was no rider and his last hope was gone, he knew he stabbed her but inside him there was still this glimpse of hope that she might have made it, but she didn't. "I'm so sorry" he said, knowing that the dragon won't understand him "Don't tell him that" his heart stopped and before he turned around he knew who was standing right behind him. 'This can't be real, I fell off the horse again and I'm dreaming right now..' he thought to himself as he just stared at her and his eyes started to fill with tears "Dany.." he managed to say after while, he was slowly walking towards her "That's all you have to say ?" she sounded cold "I- I thought I- I..." "stabbed me?" he just nodded and couldn't say a word, now standing right im front of her and as she was about to say something he kissed her but she pushed him away "How dare you?" she said as her cold eyes started to fill with tears "What do you mean? I missed you so much.." "Jon you fucking killed me, you can't just come and kiss me like nothing happened!" she stepped away from him "But .." he didn't continued since he knew there was nothing he could say that would fix this "There is no 'but' Jon, you killed me how can I ever trust you again?" "You can't.. and I know there's nothing I can say that would make it alright, cause it wasn't right, I knew it from the second I put the dagger .. " he paused because he didn't wanna say the words "in your heart" he continued "I'll forever love you Dany, you'll always be the best thing I could've get and it hurts even more knowing that you'll probably never give me your love back again" she smiled for a second "I could never stop loving you, but I cannot forgive what you've done. It is even harder for me than you think since .." she stopped "never mind.." "Since what Dany?" "No it's nothing" she let her head down as she started to cry "It is something you wanna tell me with all your heart, why don't you?" he said as he lifted her head "Cause it would make things even more complicated Jon, I know you wouldn't let me alone if I'd tell you" "What is it Dany?" he began to get nervous "I can't" "You can" he took her head in his hands and looked deep into her eyes "I promise with everything I have and everything I am that I'll protect you from this day until my last day. I promise I won't ever betray you again and let no one even near you if he shows any signs to harm you in any way and I promise that I'll love you till my last breath" the tears kept rolling down her cheeks "And you're really sure that you want to know?" he nodded "It won't mean I'll forgive you or forget what happend, it just means that I'll need you" he nodded again as she took a deep breath "I'm pregnant" immediately he kissed her with all his heart as he smiled "Are you serious?" he said as he was holding her head with both of his hands, she just nodded and he continued to kiss her, he just wished this moment would never end.

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