Day for Day

735 28 9

Pov. Grizz

Once again I heard my alarm ring and mumbled to myself. After about 5 minutes I got up and hoped that we were in the normal world, so I went down to the kitchen to see if my parents were there ... I was disappointed when I realized that we are still trapped. We have been here for 9 weeks now.
I went back to my room and changed because there was another church meeting. When I arrived, I already saw the others, we greeted each other. I looked around and saw Sam, Sam's gay in our small town, and of all people has Campbell as a brother and I'm so sorry.
Nobody knows that I'm gay myself, but no one has yet to know that.
I sat next to him and tapped him on the shoulder he turned around and I greeted him in sign language as Sam is deaf. He greets me and smiles at me "ehm Sam how are you today?" I showed as much as possible in the sign language and hoped that it was not too embarrassing. He replied, "I'm fine and you?" he asked me I showed "I'm fine too" after the conversation we sat there for a good hour and listened to Cassandra. When it was over there were not many and I asked him "ehm Sam, I wanted to ask you something ..."

Heyy I'm from Germany, and that's the English translation of the German story of mine I hope you like it. :)

"How do you say..." ||Grizam||English version||Where stories live. Discover now