Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

All night I was crying. No one could comfort me. Not even James could. I told no one what happened between me and Adam the other day. I will have to tell someone about him leaving at some point but I don't know the right time to tell it. At about midnight, I finely stopped crying. James must have heard the silence because he came to my room.

"You stopped crying, are you ok?" he asked.

"No, I'm not ok. Something happened yesterday that I need to tell you about." I tell him.

"What happened that concerns me."

"Adam came to see me and, and he told me that, he's leaving."

He looks at me with big eyes. He walks over to me and sits on the side of the bed. He looks sad, disappointed.

"When did he make his decision? Did he tell anyone else?" he asks.

"I don't know. I was the first and only one he told. There was also something else they happened." I tell him.

"What? Tell me."

"If I do tell you, you have to promaus not to tell anyone and not to hurt me or him."

"Fine and why."

"Well, this is harder for me then you, he told me he was leaving and I wouldn't allow that I started to get up and he starts to push me down. I was about to get up and, and."

"What, what."

"He... kissed me."

"WHAT! HE WHAT! How, did you let him." he yells aggravated.

He gets up and walks around. He looks mad. I now am starting to regret my decision.

"Did you resist. What did you say. Ahhh."

"I did what I could. How could I stop him, he's bigger and stronger then me. All I could say afterward was nothing. It's not like I enjoyed the kiss. He knows I love you and not him."

Almost every thing I said was a lie.

"Is that why he left, because he knew you would tell me and I would kill him. Is that why."

"No, that is not why. He left because everyone would suspect him for the next betrayal. James, stop this."

"I'm going to bed, you should too get some sleep."

I look at him as he walks out the door. What just happened. I thought that he wouldn't freak out, but I was wrong, so wrong. He acted like it was the end of the world. I hope the in the morning, he'll forget about or be less worried about it. If only. Now I have to worry about the second kiss. I think I will hold on to that thought till James calms down. I might not tell him at all. Life, can you give me a brake. I finally get to sleep after awhile of arguing with myself. I hope tomorrow will be better.

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