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'I don't get it he wasn't affected by illusions I've got nothing else to use, I'm totally burned out,' I heard a whining voice say waking me up 'Let's go Shiro while these guys are fighting with each other,. Now's our chance, let's run far away while we still can.' 'Neko,' I think was Shiro said softly. 'Come one,' Neko exclaimed 'Now that we've rescued Kukuri, we can take her with us.'

'I'm sorry, I wish we had more time to explain it to you,' Shiro said as I came out from where I had been sleeping 'Don't worry we'll find you some place that's safer than this.' 'I'm fine here,' Kukuri said 'But wait you've been injured.' Noticing a small cut on his body, 'I'm alright,' Shiro smiled 'It doesn't even hurt.' 

'Wait let me see it,' Kukuri said then stabbed him with a broken piece of glass, the black dog Kuroh Yatogami restrained her and her tone of voice changed 'I have to say I wasn't expecting you to escape the airship explosion you won't escape now.' I then saw what Shiro saw, except Shiro wasn't. Seventy years since I last saw him, 'Hey are you with us, he stood up a silver glow around him his sword of Damocles appearing in the sky, 'Don't worry. I'm... Immortal. I finally understand.' he said in German.

'That your truly the colourless king?' Kuroh questioned. He shook his head 'I know now that my real name is Adolf K. Wiesmann, the first king which means I am the Silver King.' Adolf said. 'The Sliver King?' Kuroh was speechless. 'That's you?' Neko questioned. 'Yes it's me,' Adolf said 'But at the same time I'm still Yashiro Isana. The truth of the matter nothings really changed.'

Adolf went of about how the Colourless King did it all 'Can I...' 'My queen,' Jonathon stated staring at me 'I thought something had happened to you again.' I felt a body against mine 'Klaudia, my dearest sister,' Adolf cried. I hugged as I didn't want to let him go, 'My shouting can wait till later,' I said. 'But the colorless king murdered the red queen...' Kuroh said.

'Klaudia Wiesmann-Suoh at your service,' I said 'I'm also the White Queen.' 'Your majesty it's a honour to meet you,' Kuroh bowed. 'By the way Adolf whatever you have planned ,' I said putting him at arms length 'Get those stupid ideas out of your head and whatever you plan on doing to Mikoto. Is everyone here and in position?' 

Jonathon nodded 'The students are safe we haven't located the Colourless King, no one can leave the island or even get here. Mad-eye, Tonks and Kingsley saw to it but they've deliberately left holes in the shielding for Dumbledore to get in. Also I think you slept through stopping the fighting the red and blue clans are fighting.' 

'The Colorless King in habits the body of a school girl Kukuri,' I said. 'We can go ahead with the plan, my queen,' Jonathon muttered. Adolf grabbed my wrist 'Klaudia,' he whispered 'I can't let you do this. Not after I lost you in Dresden.' 'Adolf, you won't,' I smiled 'I've finally accepted who I am. Plus I have to stop my family from killing the blues, considering they all think I'm dead.' 'What is it you wish for us to do, your majesty?' Kuroh asked. his head bowed at respected level.

'Please Kuroh please call me Klaudia or Dia,' I smiled 'And thanks for keeping this knuckle head out of trouble. We find Izumo and Anna stop the reds and blues then stop my husband and Munakata from killing each other.' 'It's time for you to activate your sword of Damocles,' Jonathon said. 

I nodded in thanks, closed my eyes as my body lit up a white aura mixed with Mikoto's red, as we walked out of the building I was able to see my sword hanging in the sky it was like the silver kings and the red kings mixed together but a lot larger then theirs signifying the amount of power I had.

Elsewhere,  the red and blue clans stopped fighting momentarily at the sight of the large sword that hung in the sky, 'Oh shit,' Kusanagi cursed 'Looks like the White Queen is....' Kusanagi stopped speaking when he thought back to few weeks ago.


'Night, Mr Kusanagi,' Yata said 'We'll be back tomorrow.' As Yata shut the door to HOMRA Izumo looked out to the mess they had left behind, drink glasses left everywhere packets of food just lying everywhere. Anna Mikoto and Dia already upstairs.

Sighing Izumo picked up a black bag and began throwing the rubbish into the bag, 'Need a hand,' Dia said as she tied her nightgown at the front silk red only the best for what Mikoto want for her. 'If you could please?' Izumo asked, Dia waved the Elder wand and the glasses floated over to the bar washing themselves and drying. the rubbish gone it was as good as new.

'Thanks,' Izumo said 'What brings you back down here at this time, normally your dead to the world.' 'Dreams of a past life,' Dia said sitting on a bar stool 'The goblins said it would start soon and then enter the waking world until...'

'You've come to terms of who you once where or who your meant to be.' Izumo supplied. 'Something like that,' she mused 'Want something that I've only shared with Mikoto.' 'Sure go ahead,' Izumo nodded, Dia reached over the bar carefully pulling out a dusty bottle and two glasses.

'Ogden's Old Firewhiskey,' Dia said 'The whiskey of Wizards.' A few drinks down the line on a napkin a sword drawn on by a half drunk red queen. 'This was the sword from my dreams please don't tell Mikoto about the sword he'd just worry about me too much,' Dia slurred. Dia head hit the bar out like a light, Izumo grabbed the napkin and stuffed it into his pocket as he heard Mikoto's foot steps coming down the stairs.

'Thanks for that Izumo,' Mikoto said for the first calling Kusanagi by his first name 'She needed it.' Mikoto placed an arm around her back and under her legs carrying Dia back up to bed.

Izumo took out the napkin from many weeks ago. As we entered the main building where I guessed... 'Klaudia?' Tatara questioned, his eyes alight with tears 'I knew it,' he whispered 'I knew you weren't dead. You saved me that night.' 'Shut up you big idiot,' I muttered hugging him 'I accepted death, which in return gave me back my memories of past lives and who I am.' 

Tatara chuckled 'You know Anna never got to celebrate her birthday.' I lightly punched his shoulder 'Sorry that I died,' I laughed 'She'll get to celebrate it when it's all over.' 'Come on let's go and let show Kusanagi that your alive and well,' Tatara smiled 'Oh who are these people?' 

'Tatara meet my little brother from my life as Klaudia Wiesmann,' I said 'The colourless king has the ability to posses bodies he possessed the silver kings body forcing Adolf into this one. You've heard of Kuroh, Neko a strain like Anna and my right hand Clansmen, Jonathon. I'm the White Queen.'

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