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A/n please read description before the story. It gives out key points that may not be mentioned in the story. I hope you enjoy.

Harry's POV
Hey. I'm Harry Potter. I used to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Now, I don't. I can't.

Now, my life was never easy. Not since my parents died and I was sent to live with my abusive Aunt and uncle. I was forced to cook, clean and do all that household shit without getting anything but beatings back.

I always suffered. When I found out I was a wizard, that all changed. Except for summers. Until the end of my 5th year.

I had begun to fall ill after the death of my godfather, Sirius Orion Black. At first, everyone, including me, thought it was just how my body was dealing with the grief but it became apparent that was not the case in my 6th year of Hogwarts.

Eventually, my friends managed to drag me to the hospital wing for a checkup. Just to make sure it wasn't serious. I of course protested and tried to fight but in my weakened state, Ron and Hermione managed to get the better of me.

Once we got there, me still trying to get away, Madam Pomfrey walked out of her office. "Harry Potter. I should've known you'd be here sooner or later." She shook her head fondly. I was, after all, her favourite patient. Probably because I was there so much.

"Yeah" I shrugged, just wanting to sleep.

"Miss, Harry's been feeling pretty bad for a while now. He's been throwing up all the time and has been finding it hard and incredibly weakening to use magic. We're worried about him but he didn't want to come so we had to literally drag him down here." Hermione rambled.

All I remember is a few different coloured lights from the matron's wand and an exclamation of "oh Merlin!" Before I passed out.

When I woke up, the room I was in was unnaturally bright. I groaned and turned onto my side, throwing up all over the floor. Madam Pomfrey rushed over from her office.

She used a charm to clear away the mess on me and the floor before saying, "I'm afraid, Mr Potter, that we need to talk with the headmaster as soon as possible" with a grim expression.

"B-but miss. I'm f-fine. W-we don't need to g-get the h-headmaster involved." I told her. I was so sure that it was just the flu or something, nothing that bad.

"Harry. Look, this is important and very necessary. I have already sent for Professor Dumbledore and he will be on his way now." She told me sternly. I rolled my eyes before closing them and trying to sleep. Madam Pomfrey had other plans. "Oh no, you don't. Sit up. You are not sleeping right now. We need you to be present for this discussion. In both mind and body."

"But miss, I'm tired and you usually tell me that I need rest." I argued.

"Usually, the circumstances are different than now. You shall remain awake until the headmaster has been and gone." She told me.

Around five minutes later, Dumbledore showed up. "You wished to see me Poppy?"

"Albus, I believe we need to talk about Mr Potter. You see, from my analysis, I have reason to believe he is suffering from a muggle disease known as ALL. Also known as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. A type of cancer. It is caused by young white blood cells in the bone marrow.

"This type of cancer can be found in both adults and children. Although, it is generally younger people who develop it.

"For wizards, it is incredibly draining to the magical core and energy levels. I only know of muggle treatments just now. Chemotherapy and sometimes stem cell transplants.

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