Chapter 3

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Dr. Eto was thrown to the floor of a room. "Ah, Dr. Eto I'm guessing you have been doing what I have asked?" The crime boss said. "Asked? You threatened me by saying you would kill my wife if I don't do what you say." Replied Dr. Eto. "And she won't get hurt if you do your job. Now, where's the blood?" Asked the boss. Dr. Eto handed one of the lackeys a bag. "When will you bring the girl to me?" Said the boss. The doctor's body tensed up, he did not know what to say. "I-I can't. The girl was taken in by some heroes." Dr. Eto told him. The boss slammed his fist on his desk and yelled "Then find out who they are!" "I don't have clearance to those records. They're sealed." Said Dr. Eto. "Than it looks like we will no longer be in need of your service doctor." The boss said. "What! Wait! No! What about my wife!" Dr. Eto yelled while being dragged out of the room. "Looks like the plan will have to change a bit." He said to himself.

Izuku and Ochako's Apartment

After being at the hero agency Izuku had gone back to the hospital to get some sleep and to get Eri ready to go to the apartment. While he was with Eri, Ochako went back to the apartment by herself to freshen up and get their home ready for when Eri arrived.

"We're here." Izuku said while opening the door. Eri walked into the apartment and saw a big welcome home sign that Ochako was standing under. "Welcome home Eri!" The brunette excitedly said. Eri felt so happy that all she could do was smile. "Why don't we show you around." Izuku said. They showed her the living room which had a big couch and a tv, the kitchen, bathroom, their room, and they arrived at her bedroom. "And finally this is your room Izuku said while opening the door. It was a white room with a built-in closet, a window, a bed, and a table next to the bed. The bed had cherry blossom sheets and pillows on it. "If you don't like it we can decorate it however you want to." Ochako said. "I love it the way it is. Thank you so much!" Eri said with a big smile on her face. "Oh, we have something for you." Izuku said while handing Eri a box. In the box was a small teddy bear with an empty heart-shaped locket. "When we take a picture of all of us you can put it in the locket. It will be like we're with you even if we aren't physically there." Said Ochako with a sweet smile on her face. Eri could not hold back the tears anymore. She jumped and threw her arms around them and the only thing she could say was "Thank you." She has never had anyone care so much about her. From that day on Eri never took her necklace off.

Time skip to that night

All three of them are sitting on the couch watching tv. Eri started to fall asleep while sitting between Ochako and Izuku. "I think it's time for us to go to bed. I'll get her ready so you can come up and say goodnight." Ochako said to Izuku. "Ok" he replied. A few minutes later he walked into Eri's room to see his girlfriend tucking her into bed. "Ok Eri it's time to go to bed sweetheart. If you need us we are right next door." Ochako said. "Just come in and wake us up anytime" said Izuku. "Ok good night Chako, good night Deku." Said Eri. "Good night." They both replied simultaneously while walking and closing her door.

Ochako and Izuku got ready and slipped into their own bed but neither of them could fall asleep. "Deku, why did the agency need us to go in last night" Asked Ochako. "It was about Eri. There is a rumor that someone is looking for her so they can take advantage of her quirk." Said Izuku. "What do you mean?" Asked Ochako. "Detective Tsukauchi thinks that someone found out that they can use her quirk to erase other people's quirks like how Overhaul did" replied Izuku "But how did they find out about her? She was never in the news and there was nothing about her quirk" Ochako asked with a concerned look on her face. "Tsukauchi thinks there's a mole in the office or the department who leaked it to their boss. He said not to tell anyone unless we can absolutely trust them about how Eri really came to live with us and about her quirk." Izuku said. "We can't let her know about this it will make her not want to go anywhere even with us." Said Ochako. "I know and we're going to have to be more alert when we're out and on jobs especially when she is with us." Replied Izuku "We're going to have to figure out what we're telling our friends and family" stated Ochako "let's think about that in the morning. We had such a great day with Eri let's just enjoy it" said Izuku.

It was at that moment the couple heard a blood-curdling scream.

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