Something Died in There

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"This seat taken?"

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"This seat taken?"

Elena tears her eyes away from the window she was looking out of to look at the boy standing beside her seat with a sleazy grin. She vaguely recognizes him as one of the footballs players that her brother is always inviting over to their house, and she's sure he's popular so she's at least heard about him before, but all the meatheads start to look the same to her after a while.
Clark, is who she thinks he is, though he could be Jason. Either way, she knows both have a girlfriend and the way he's looking at her makes her lip curl up in a sneer. She's just about to let him know just what she thinks of him, and where he can sit (preferably on a fire hydrant) when a hand clasps over his shoulder and takes the footballs players eyes off of her.

"I'll be sitting with my sister, Clarke. Gwen is sitting by herself," Avery says with a charming smile while he points to where Clark's girlfriend is sitting by herself.

"Alright man," Clark says and walks past her brother. Avery plants himself in the seat next to her, pushing her backpack onto the floor.

Elena crosses her arm over her chest and raises an eyebrow at her brother, "I thought you'd be sitting with Lexie."

"Nah, she's sitting with Olivia. Wanted some girl time," he says with a shrug and throws his arm over the back of the seat.

Elena huffs, she was looking forward to sitting by herself for the bus ride. She's surprised Clark even asked to sit with her, most people avoid her like the plague; except for the people sitting in front and behind her.

Sam and Becca sit behind her, Becca giggling over something Sam signed to her. They're some of the only tolerable people at New Ham High. Neither one cared all that much about fitting in, though both seemed to be popular enough. Not because they cared about being popular, but because they're likable.

Allie and Cassandra sit in front of her, both have their heads pressed up against the window as they look out to their parents.
The Pressman sisters are the only other tolerable people at the school. Elena admits she's closer to the elder sister, Cassandra.
At first, she found her absolutely nauseating. With her upbeat personality and an air of authority around her, Elena tried to avoid her at all costs. But, Cassandra made the effort to talk to her. Cassandra may be one of the most popular people at the school, most people love her, but she doesn't seem to have too many friends. That's something Elena can relate too.
Elena hasn't got to know Allie all that much, she tends to stick with her own friends, mostly Will, but she's nice enough.

Elena's eyes travel over the heads of the students and spots none other than the self-proclaimed King himself, Harry Bingham, with his girlfriend Kelly. Kelly's nice enough, but Elena has let Harry know exactly what she thinks of him on multiple occasions.
As if he feels her eyes on him, he looks over at her and immediately drops his gaze. As much as she hates him, she has to admit that she likes the power she holds over him. Would Harry Bingham drop his gaze and not say a word in retaliation to anyone else except Elena Scott? Probably not.

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