Nico Di'Angelo - Nightmares

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Nightmares are the bane of my existence. The cause of all my pain and sorrows, making my nights long and sleepless. My past haunts me, holding me back with invisible iron chains. I never understood what I did to the Gods to deserve this torture, this prison within my soul that holds me. I fear many things in this world, but I fear even more what hides within myself.

I'm just lying in my bed staring at the ceiling of the (g/p) cabin trying to keep myself from falling into the cold hands of sleep. It wasn't like I would wake anyone if I did drift off into my own mind. All my siblings had left for the school year to return to their mortal families, leaving me to myself in the spacious cabin. Though, no matter how much I fought the mysterious expanse of sleep, I eventually lost myself inside it.

Nico's P.O.V

I was making my way past the (g/p) cabin when I heard faint whimpering and soft yelling. I thought everyone had left for the year? I thought to myself as I approached the door, I moved to knock but stopped right before my fist touched the wood. The crying had stopped but in is place was a scream. I didn't even bother knocking at this point before I opened the door and rushed inside, Stygian Iron sword drawn.

Instead of a monster all I see is my best friend (and possibly my crush), (Y/n), sitting upright in her bed drenched in sweat and tears running down her face. I rush over to her side, pulling her into my arms and running my hand over her (h/l) (h/c) hair.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat in a well lit room, I was alone but in the same sense not. I felt someone there, their presence.

"(Y/N)" I heard my name in a whisper from all around me, drowning me in the echoing sound.

"(Y/n)..." I heard again this time it seemed somehow closer than before.

"(Y/n)... Why did you let this happen" The voice said this time, yet it sounded like Nico, but it couldn't be him. Not here.

The room suddenly goes cold, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I look at my breath in front of me hear a faint, pained cough from behind me. I spin on my heel and choke back a sob at the sight in front of me.

Nico was lying on the ground, blood pooling out around him, I rush to his side holding him in my arms. I feel tears roll down my face as he looks at me with disdain.

"This is your fault." He hisses and pushes me away with the little strength he had left.

"I ha-hate... you..." Nico chokes out as he lets out his final breath.

I let out a frustrated yell, tears rolling down my face faster and more so than they had been.

I sit up, gasping for air as a scream escapes my lungs. I'm sweating as tears roll down my face in the dozen. Suddenly the door bursts open and Nico rushes in, sword drawn and panic covering his face.

Faster than I think I've ever seen him move he comes to my side and wraps his arms around my shaking body. His hand moves to my hair as he strokes it. After a few minutes I stop crying and move back to look at him.

"Nico... I'm sorry."

"Why?" he asks, looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm so so sorry." my voice just above a whisper.

He keeps his eyes on me, they're filled with worry. We both slowly start to lean in our lips about to touch when he jumps back. Nico gives me one last hug before he makes his way towards the door of my cabin.

"Goodnight (Y/n)." was all he said before he leaves.

I spent the night sitting in the darkness pondering everything.

The next week, I avoided everyone, I didn't speak or interact with anyone. I skipped most of my meals and didn't sleep at night, gaining many concerned looks from the few remaining campers. Nico tried to talk to me a few times, but I mostly avoided him.

He didn't know it, but I really liked him. Liked him to the point of what I believe is love. The events from that night just proved that he doesn't and never will feel the same way about me.

I got the the point where I was so fed up with people trying to talk to me that I hurried into my cabin and shut the door, locking it behind me. I had no intentions of leaving this cabin.

After a few hours of me just sitting in my own lament there was a soft knock at my door. When I didn't answer I heard a soft voice.

"(Y/n). It's me, Nico. Your best friend. Please let me talk to you."

I thought for a moment before walking to the door and pulling him inside before closing it once again.

"What!?" I asked annoyed.

Nico's P.O.V

"What?!" she said with annoyance lacing her voice.

"I'm worried about you."

"Why would you be!" she almost shouted, "it's not like you care about my feelings."

I stared at her, her normally (h/c) hair was faded. Her bright (e/c) eyes were clouded with sadness. Her (s/t) skin was sunken as though she hadn't eaten in days. Which I don't believe she had.

I took a step forward, cupping her cheek and wiping a single tear off of her cheek.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"I do care (Y/n). I care so much. I care so so much. I love you." He whispered the last three words as the pressed his lips to mine. They moved together like two puzzle pieces that were just meant to move together. After we pulled away, he put our foreheads together.

"Why did you run away?" I whisper.

"I was scared of what you may say."

"Well, I say... I say I love you, too." I hold my breath and release it when he pushes our lips together once again.

From this point on, I told Nico everything. I explained my nightmares, though they did stop now that I had Nico there. I started to eat again, and I started my long and happy life with Nico by my side.


(1032 words) Oh My Gods! Thank you all for reading! This is really long to be the first story, but no regrets!!! These are always so fun to write! Feel free to comment on anything or with any character you want next. I typed this one on a laptop, and it took over 1 and a half hours, so most of the time I'm going to write it on my phone so it won't be finished as quickly! Thanks for reading! <3

- Saphire Morgan

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