why people should join SDAD

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People should join SDAD because we can make a difference if people join. You may be wondering what does SDAD stand for. Well it stands for Stop Drinking And Driving. Why am I starting SDAD. Well it starts with a story. Back in 2005 I had a family friend who went out on October 31th and he went to a party and got drunk. On his way home his car went to the right side of the road, He corrected it and went off on the left side of the road he was not wearing a seatbelt so he was thrown out of the ca. He was not found until 3am the next day. Each day I wish he had not went to that party and got drunk or that he had called someone to give him a ride home but he didn't and it cost him his life. I hope with this campaign it will get the word out that you should not drink and drive. If you go to a party or throw a party and you see someone drunk ask them if you can give them a ride home if you are not drunk and if they say no and you are the host of the party have them crash at your house for the night and tomorrow they can drive home after they get done with the hangover. If you can dp that then you are a great person and a great friend because you just saved lives

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