Chapter 7

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Davina's POV

After school Bella left me in favor of Edward. I sat on the front steps and called Charlie. He didn't answer, no surprise there so I decided to call Paul. Emily picked up his phone and told me that he was on patrol. She wanted to know what the problem was and I told her that Bella left me and that Charlie won't answer my call. She told me to hold tight and one of the boys would come and get me. I quietly thanked her before hanging up.

"Davina?" a deep male voice asked.

I looked up from the ground to see the principal standing in front of me. "Yes?"

"Is anyone picking you up?" he asked taking a seat beside me.

"Yeah, my friend Emily sent someone from the res. You don't have to sit next to me."

"I don't mind. So how was your first day?"

"Intimidating, confusing..."

"I'm sorry that happened."

"It's not your fault. I just don't remember, well, anything."

"What if we got you a tutor? Hm? Someone who understands your situation and can take a few steps back to help you. How does that sound?"

I thought over it a minute. It certainly couldn't hurt to get a tutor. "It sounds good. Who did you have in mind?"

"Your sister, maybe?"

"I don't think so. She forgot me here today. Do you think Sabrina Palmer could?"

"I think we could work something out if Ms. Palmer is willing."

The loud rumble of Jacob's rabbit pulled into the school parking lot. The principal and I stood up and Jared got out. "Hey, Dav. Em sent me to get you."

"Thanks, Jared," I said walking towards the old car. I paused and turned around to thank the principal. "Thank you, for waiting with me."

"You're welcome dear," the principal said walking to his car.

"I thought Bella was driving you to and from school today," Jared said as I got buckled.

"I thought so too. She left with Edward. How come you're here? What about the treaty?"

"An imprint was in trouble. Besides, Paul really wanted to see you."

"I haven't even been gone a day."

"I'm tellin' ya the dude's whipped."

I stayed silent. Paul told me of his ways before he found me. I can't really say anything and I can't really be jealous because he's mine, forever. I watched as Jared drove in the opposite direction of Charlie's house. When I asked him where we were going he told me to Emily's.

Jared pulled in the dirt drive and the boys immediately ran outside to greet us. Each of them, well those that weren't on patrol, gave me a big hug. I walked inside, set my bag at the table, and gave Emily a big hug. She returned the hug with equal strength before ushering me to the table. I reluctantly pulled out my homework and proceeded to get confused once again. Seth noticed my struggling and offered to help me. I gladly accepted the help and he slowly walked me through each problem.

A few hours later Paul was back from patrol and he saved me from the tiring homework. Emily called us down for dinner not too long after he kidnapped me. As per usual I helped her do the dishes as the boys relaxed and joked around.

"Come on," Paul said grabbing my hand leading me outside.

"But- I have to help Emily," I protested chuckling while grabbing my coat. I made no conscious move to stop him. "Where are you taking me?" I asked my feet dragging slightly behind me.

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