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A road, journey let's talk about finding one's inner self and hiding the beauty behind the beast. The insecurities filled the beast with rage and giving away her morals made it stronger. It kept all the emotions locked up and hung the key around its scar filled neck. It possessed its own key to serenity and hid its face from society. Broken mirrors and empty halls. Home! She called it. She was afraid to show her face, forgetting she had a purified heart of gold. Her kindness went beyond expression, she wasn't just coal and ashes but she was coal under pressure. She had a passion that needed to be shared with the entire world, but her claws kept creeping into her mind and the beast always seems to capture her thoughts. The beast was part of her, it had taken possession of her soul and seduced her into giving her immunity of her body. She let go of everything and lost herself in the process. Dark days were now a reality and happy days didn't exist inside her, she was tarnished and broken. Never looking at the mirror was her biggest mistake, because she forgot about her true potential and kept the negative and subsided the positive. The beast made her see the truth as an illusion and her make believe reality. Forgetting her strength, she was a women, a rock and a spiritual goddess among female tribes around the world, the beast kept her from unlocking all that, just because she didn't believe in herself. The beauty in the beast was not fictional, her scars made her unique and being herself showed utmost confident and courage. She felt she had lost her thoughts and would never find herself. In her world the Beast was king and she was the servant, a mind-set that dug her own grave she kept luring herself into the beasts' dungeon. Captured and lost in her own thoughts, she suffered from her own maize. The people were her biggest nightmare, her ultimate fear and pleasing them gave her redemption but it broke her inside. She cared more about what people think and that hid the beauty away from society. People stopped valuing her opinions and started treating her like she hardly even existed. The beauty in the beast is a treasure, a mystery behind the scene of a tertiary young adult who got lost in her own world due to hiding herself from the world, hoping to be forgotten. Wishing she could just vanish, never to be seen again, the beast her bad vibes.

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