Chapter Two: Mission Failed

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"Drink?" I turn to a blonde haired man with a tray of drinks, I nod no but he was expecting an answer, I almost had half the mind to ask if I can speak "No, I'm fine, I don't drink" I respond immediately. My eyes continue to search for the Avengers as he leaves. I spotted them all at a table together, eating, drinking, and laughing. They had to set a good image and what better way than to act like a family.

I sat down at an empty table and continue to keep an eye on them. Everyone at this event had to have an invitation to get in but since I didn't have one I had to sneak in. It was actually pretty difficult, they had a lot of security and I was in a dress and heels, something I wasn't used to. I look up to the stage as Iron man gave a speech, it sounded like he had it memorized for telling it many times.  After he finished his speech everyone applauded and he went back to his table. He exchanged some words with Captain America and then sat and talked to Peter Parker. My brows furrowed, still not understanding their relationship. 

I stood up heading to go get a plate of food, not because I was hungry but to not look suspicious sitting there alone and doing nothing. I look at trays of food that were placed on a long table, it all looked weird. Did people eat this? Then again I've only ever eaten bread and vegetables. I grab a plate and my elbow accidentally hits another pile of plates behind it, one of them almost fell but with my senses and fast reflexes I caught it, but I wasn't the only one. There was another hand on the plate I was holding. I look to see who it is and I almost let go of the other one. It was Peter Parker, he was wearing a white button shirt and a black suit and his brown hair fallen loosely. We both speak at the same time

"My bad" I mumbled

"Nice reflexes" he smiles

Oh if only you knew. He takes the plate as his own and begins to place food on his plate and I couldn't help but stare. I wasn't supposed to let any of them see me, at least not yet. Maybe I should just go back to my table. Before I could do that he spoke up "I-I'm Peter, Peter Parker" Yeah, I know. He extends his hand out for me to shake and I just look at it then at him. I shake his hand "and you are..?" My eyes widen. I couldn't say 'Spider' and I didn't have a name. Okay, okay just stay focused and collected. "I-I'm..." I look down helplessly "red" I wanted to punch myself so badly right now. I wasn't used to 'normal' interactions. I didn't have and never had conversations with the enemy. I always stayed focused on a mission. Then again Dr. Edinson said to get to know the enemy. That's why I've been watching them for this past month but on the other hand, he didn't say to make conversation with them.

"Red?" He questions, my eyes snap to his, his brows furrowed "Yeah, it's what my friends call me" I lie he nods in understanding

"Oh, c-can I call you Red?" He's asked in a soft voice

"Yeah" I give him a small smile noticing that I probably looked serious this whole time. Wait.. does this make us friends? I mean I did say my friends call me Red but then again I don't actually have any. I wasn't allowed to. "Nice meeting you, I really need to go to the restroom" I made an excuse and left. I walked down some halls before getting back to my table so that he wouldn't see where I was sitting. After about an hour the Avengers start to clean up. "I'll get the car" I heard Iron man say, they nod and continue to clean and finish their drinks. The plan was to catch them off guard, one by one. I walk down a hall and open the janitors closet where I left my bag earlier. I change from the dress to my black spider suit. I got out through a window and try to locate Iron man. It was pretty dark but I managed to find him, he was heading towards his car. I shoot a web and swing in landing right in front of his car. He stops abruptly when he sees me, sort of. I hear him sigh. "Friday" he begins "on its way sir"

"Who are you and what do you want?" I didn't answer, It was dark and I'm sure as hell all he could see was a dark figure. He called in his suit so I have a minute to kill him at maximum. I step away from the darkness into the moonlight. He sure as hell saw me now because a look of confusion spread across his face. "Huh"

Hydra's Spider {Peter Parker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now