Drawing with a Finger(screenshot)

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Guys here's a question:
(Im the person with the Zack pfp, the brown hoodie mad man)

So here's the question:Is drawing art with a finger on your mobile really that impressive??

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So here's the question:
Is drawing art with a finger on your mobile really that impressive??

I dont know what do u guys use to draw, but I've been using my fingers to draw on my mobile. Yeah, the other digital arts you saw earlier are drawn with my fingers.

Do u guys think drawing with a finger is difficult? Im already used to it so i dont know. To me using a mouse is harder cuz i never drew on a computer :<

I wish i had a pen to draw(not that pen to draw on papers) i bet i can draw better than fingers :D
But i guess that needs to wait tor years.

Cya guys be good kids!

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