3: X-factor comes to town

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Harper's Pov

It's been a week since school started and nothing special has happened yet.
We've got a VERY big amount of homework so I'm not able to hang out with Ella very often.

Then there's the usual. Being bullied by the populars. I'm also pretty sure that today is going to be the worst because Ella's sick so she isn't coming to school today. I would've stayed with her but for some odd reason Ethan decided he'll stay with her.

Don't worry I'm not that stupid I know he has a crush on her.

Moving on it's already 7:25 so I should get ready. I decide not to take a shower today because I know in the state I am right now I would fall asleep showering. I just brush my teeth and wash my face, then I put on some clothes.

I decide to wear black skinny jeans, my black converse and a grey top that says 'need more sleep'. After that I brush my hair.

When I get downstairs I remember that Ethan is at Ella's so I'll have to take the bus. When I arrive at the bus stop I see that my bus still has 10 minutes to arrive so I take out my phone and play some random game.
After about 2 minutes a beautiful redhead comes running to the bus stop.

"Thank God, I thought I was gonna be late,"
She says trying to catch her breathe

"Well you still have 8 minutes,"
I tell her

"Yeah, by the way I'm Julia,"
She says

"Hi, I'm Harper. Are you new, I haven't seen you around?"

"Yeah I just moved here, I live a couple of blocks away."

"Poor you, today must be your first day of school."

"Yeah, I'm going to Westview High."

"Seriously, that's where I go!"

"Really, that's amazing! Now I won't be all alone."

"Don't worry my friend's sick so I can give you a school tour during lunch."

"That would be great, thank you so much!"

"It's okay. I guess we're friends now?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Great! Well, now that we're friends I'm calling you Jules, okay?"

"Amazing Harps!"


When I or actually we arrive at school I help Julia to get her schedule and we have a lot off classes together.
Isn't that amazing?!

"Hey, we have music first!"
I squeal

"Yeah, I'm guessing you like music."

"I love music!"
I say

"Do you play any instruments?"
Julia asks

"Yeah, I play the guitar and the piano but mostly I like to sing. What about you?"

"I like listening to music but I don't really like making it. Still, the music I'm listening to had to be good. And I kinda have the feeling that you're a good singer."

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