London Tour

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Michael POV

Feels good to be back performing for my amazing fans that I love and adore so much they are the reason why I do the tours let's get this show on the ride I'm ready to perform

Jacob POV

Michael is on tour and I couldn't got cause a prince is sick and Paris has doctor appointment today so I am going to be busy but I wish Michael the best of luck on tour that is his happiness

Jacob took Paris to her appointment and then came back home to take care of prince who is sick who caught a cold the other night

Jacob: it's ok it taste like candy

Prince opened his mouth and took the medicine it did taste like candy and then he had fallen asleep ...Jacob walked out quietly without waking him up and went to relax

Jacob POV

Finally got them both asleep man peace and quiet so I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes for a bit I am tired having kids when they sick is something else yo but it is totally worth it

Michael was having a good time on tour and loved the energy from the crow half of them already fainted or passed before the show even started

Michael POV

I told my fans goodnight and was off to the next city I looked at the time and it almost dark in I called jack to see how he holding up

Jacob woke up to his phone ringing and it was Michael

Michael: My bad were you asleep

Jacob: yes but how is tour

Michael: it's ok I miss you guys

Jacob: we miss you too

Michael: how's prince

Jacob: he's fine he's asleep right now he's fever went down a little bit

Michael: That's good and Paris

Jacob: She's fine she's teething so I had to calm her down as well

Michael: I wish I was there to help you because you look tired

Jacob: I am but it's ok I'm fine

Michael: Alright

They had a whole conversation on the phone until Michael had to go

Jacob: I love you too see you soon

He ended the call and that's when Paris started crying Jacob got out the bed and went to go calm her down she's teething

Jacob: it's ok daddy's here(rocked her to sleep)

Paris had calmed down and he slowly put her back to sleep before she started back crying and Michael wish he was there to help Jacob out

Michael POV

I wish I was there to help Jacob out but I can't I'm all the way across the county but I do miss my babies though can't wait to see them anyway later guys

He was going to perform for two hours straight it was going to be a long tour for him and the crew but it was worth the two hours though cause the fans will go home and remember how great of a tour Michael performed tonight

Michael: I love you goodnight London

He ran off stage and it was officially home time Michael was so excited to be going home so he went to sleep after they got on the bus and on the rode on their way back to California Jacob is going to be so happy to see him

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