Nightmare ~ Chapter 7

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3rd person
Elizabeth, Mangle, Ballora, and Fred (Funtime Freddy) got themselves out of class. They rushed down the hallway looking for Charlie. They heard Charlie yell "You! You are my problem." They immediately knew where it was coming from.

The girls went into the girl's restroom while Fred stood outside. They checked all the stalls. Nothing. "Where the hell did they go?" Mangle said. "They couldn't just be gone. Let's check somewhere else." Ballora said. They all ran out trying to find Charlie.

Charlie was in this strange universe much like her own but more disturbing. With a dark atmosphere and black dust floating through the air. She had black eyes like before, her arms and legs were stripped. She had purple tears under her eyes. Layla saw her and let out a terrified scream.

"Get the hell away from me!" Layla screamed backing away. WhAt iS tHiS?" Charlie's voice was distorted. She looked around confused. This wasn't real, but it wasn't fake.

There were disturbing whispers. Charlie looked at down at her arm. "WHaT dId yOU do!?" She said looking at Layla. "This is your fault! I'm just a human! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Layla screamed. "Is this my fault? It couldn't be this isn't my power. She's lying." Charlie thought.

She stepped closer to Layla. Which made Layla back away into a wall. Layla turned around and realized that they were in the ally of the Pizzeria. "W-What the Hell? Why am I here? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Layla screamed. There were whispers floating through the air. Charlie reconsidered as her own thoughts.

"sHeS lYinG."

"What? No-no I promise I'm not lying I- I'm just a human. Please!" Layla cried.

•In the real world•
"We've checked everywhere. It's hopeless they've probably killed her by now." Elizabeth said as she sunk onto the floor.
"Doll, don't be so pessimistic. We'll find her eventually." Ballora patted Elizabeth on her back.

"Well, how do you know," Elizabeth said in a toned.

"Because she's strong."

You're right, You're right." Elizabeth got up and shook to clear her head. "What do you think we should do?" Fred asked. "I guess we just keep searching for her. We could have missed her somewhere. Let's backtrack." Mangle said running off and the others followed.

Elizabeth's POV
I was panicking. I don't know what could be happening to Charlie right now. She could be hurt. I swear I'll kill someone if they hurt her or even tried. We continued searching until we saw Layla. She sprints out of the restroom panting heavily and whimpering. "What the hell?" I said under my breath.

"Hey guys," I said tapping Ballora on her shoulder. We walk cautiously into the restroom and see Charlie. My love was curled up in a ball against the wall. She looked as if she was in shock. "Charlie," I said softly.

She glanced up I could see she had purple tears streaming down her face. She just buried her head back into her knees. I kneeled down and hold my arms out in front of her. She looked up into my eyes and jumped into my arms. "What happened, babe?" I said as gently as possible. "I-I don't know what I did."

3rd person
The bell rang it was time for the next period. Lucky it was the lunch for them. Someone was bound to come in the restroom any minute now. Elizabeth told Ballora and Mangle to go while she comforts Charlie. Elizabeth went into a shall so they wouldn't be seen or questioned. 

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