A surprise

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*soarins POV*

I was back at the wonderbolt HQ after 12 hours of constantly searching for rainbow, We hadnt found anything. I couldn't even retrace our steps! Whoever took her wanted no interference whatsoever. I started to think about who would have anything against rainbow but a knock on my door broke my train of thoughts. I groaned got up slowly and walked over to the door. When I opened the door I saw surprise standing there bouncing up and down but her coat color seemed a little off was she sick? She said "I need you to meet me the edge of the everfreeforest in 6.5 hours" (6 hours and 30 minuets) I must have looked so tired and confused that she said "you need your rest and you'll find out when you get there!" then without warning she snapped back and slammed the door in my face and I heard the lock on my door click. I was locked in!!! "SUPRISE IF THIS IS A JOKE THIS ISNT FUNNY LET ME OUT!" there was no response, either she had left or was silently laughing outside my door. I hoped it was the second one. I screamed at her again (if she was even there) but no luck. I tried kicking the door with my hind legs but im no earth pony and pegasi are built to be light in order to fly. Great. Just great. First I can't find rainbow and now I'm locked in. Who would do something like this?!? Then something struck me, the color of surprises coat had been a shade darker than it usually was, did she have a twin? Or did....oh no. If she was who I thought she was I had to find rainbow and alert spitfire right away, of course if spit hasn't been well......there's no telling what they will do, and after last time something like this happened.....lets just say things didn't go very well.

*_______ POV*

I sighed as I walked along the long dark corridors, I had been summoned and no pony liked being summoned to...her. As I reached the room I knocked slowly and heard a sharp "come in". I opened the door and walked in the room was very large but only had one piece of furniture. A throne with a certain pony sitting on it. "I have summoned you here today to tell you that I think it is time to finish your quest, you have put it of for to long." "yes your magisty" she demanded that we call her "her magisty" or "her highness." I walked out closed the door and trotted over to the holding room. I stopped right before I got to the door and put my hoof on the door and pushed it open slowly. She was there sleeping in the middle of the room. I hated myself for what I did next but it was my order and if I didn't do my orders....well it's not good. I used a levitation device the scientist ponies had created to lift the mare of the bed without waking her up. I set her down in a chair hooked up to many computers and strapped her in. When I was done I looked at her and almost started crying, I said "I'm so sorry even thought you probably don't remember me and you probably can't here me know that I always loved you." then I left the room and closed the door slowly not looking back.

A/N: wow ok this is where it's starting to get interesting! And I really want to thank you guys so much for 1k reads!!! Also I'm thinking of starting another book that's not mlp related...or is mlp related I'm not sure yet. Anyway is this a good idea? Is this a good chapter? Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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