Juvia's Turn!

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Animelover1590:Hey can I check on Mira And Laxus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Animelover1590:*Opens door and sees Mira and Laxus kissing intensely*

Mira and Laxus:*Don't notice Animelover1590*

Animelover1590:*Closes door* O.O ^.^

Anime_l:MiraXus moment!!!!!!

Animelover1590:*Nods excitedly*

Anime_l:Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I need Juvia. Hey JUVIA COME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Juvia:Juvia is coming! Why does Anime_l need Juvia.

Anime_l:I need you to ignore Gray for 1 hour. Ok!!!!!!!!!!

Juvia:Juvia got it *thinking: Now Gray-sama will notice Juvia for sure*

Gray:Hey Juvia I wanna show you something!

Juvia:Hey Lucy you wanna make dinner!


Gray:O.O*Did Juvia just ignore me*

Anime_l and Animelover1590:*Giggling*

*One hour later*


Gray:Juvia I need to tell you some thing in Private!!!

Natsu:Why do you need to do it in private stripper!!!!!!

Gray:What was that flame brain!!!!!

Erza:Would you two quit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gray and Natsu:Y-y-yes!

Erza:Now Gray go talk to Juvia ok!!


Juvia:What does Gray-sama need to tell Juvia!

Gray:Well I was Wondering if you wanted to go out sometime.

Juvia:YES JUVIA WOULD LOVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anime_l and Animelover1590:Yes it worked!

Anime_l:Please please please please comment and ask questions.


Disclaimer: I do not own anything because if i did all of my ships would be together by the first episode, and Fairy Tail would be so boring. All rights to Hiro Mashima!!!!!!!

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