Chapter 10

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{{ Last chapter }}

Third person  P.o.v

Haru and Makoto have had a long, loving summer together.

Makoto got a job, Haru felt happy to be with his best friend and now new lover.

The two were on their last day. They packed up their bag's at the hotel in the afternoon before they were ready to leave.
"I'm going to miss this place.. but at least it showed me what my dream should be...and now, it has come true.." Makoto spoke as he picked up his bag and brung it up onto his shoulder. Haru was double checking they had everything before he spoke. "we'll come back one day..." He spoke softly with a small smile.

"Let's go, I can't wait to see everyone.." Makoto spoke softly before they walked hand in hand to the train station once they left the hotel.

Haru and Makoto got onto the train with their bag's as the taller male held the pole and Haru held onto his boyfriend so he wouldn't fall. Makoto smiled down at him, excitement taking over his body, he couldn't wait to go home and see all of his friends along with ren and ran. His siblings.

He also couldn't wait to start a bigger future with Haru.

After a while the train finally came to a stop as Makoto and Haru stepped off, only to be greeted by Rei and Nagisa. "Makoto! Haru!" The smaller blonde shouted to the two as he waved his hand all over trying to catch their attention. Makoto chuckled and so did Haru as they walked over to their friend's. "It's nice to see you guys again!" Makoto smiled as they all hugged eachother. "We're so happy to hear about your new job Makoto." Rei spoke as he pushed up his glasses. Haru bumped his boyfriends shoulder playfully as a way of showing he was proud.

"There's also something else you guys should know." Makoto spoke. Haru looked up at the taller male immediately and blushed. "Me and Haru are dating." Makoto spoke. Nagisa jumped happily as he placed his hand out in front of Rei. The blue haired male groaned as Haru and Makoto raised a brow. "what's going on here?" Haru asked, looking at his two friends. Rei slapped 600 yen onto Nagisa's smaller hand. "We had a bet to see if the two of you would be together by time you got back. Nagisa was clearly right." The blue haired male spoke, pushing his glasses up once again.

Haru face palmed mentally as Makoto just chuckled. "Let go to the beach, I've missed the one here.." the taller male spoke as the group all walked to the beach. Forgetting the conversation they all had a few minutes ago.

The sun was setting and the sky was a shade of pink, blue, orange and many other vibrant colours. They were all sat on the beach wall gazing out at the ocean. Haru kissed Makoto on the cheek before resting his head onto his shoulder. Nagisa squealed and so did Rei. The couple blushed as their eyes gazed out into the distance again.

"To the future!" Nagisa suddenly spoke happily, causing everyone to chuckle.

"To the future!" They all spoke in unison. Happiness was the only emotion they all felt at that moment.

The end.


Thank you all for reading my book. Although it was a short one, I enjoyed writing it very much.

I apologize that there wasn't really any drama, but if this book does well then I will make a second about Haru and Makoto's future. Along with haru's dream and Makoto's job.

I will also include more perspectives of other characters, like Rei, Nagisa, Rin, ren, ran and more, but only if they fit into the story.

Once again, thank you for reading!

Yours sincerely, BlueDemon~

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