1. Chapter

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"How was it at Dursleys?" Ron asked, one arm around his girlfriend. "It was okay I guess" It wasn't the truth, not at all. The Dursleys were horrible like ever, made him do all the work, like a human houself. Hermione saw right trough his lie, she had that particular look in her eyes, but knew the raven haired boy good enough not to ask. And Ron, well he was just too oblivious.

"Dude, what did you do throughout summer, you've gotten really muscular since the last time I saw you. The girls are practically drooling over you, at least that's what Ginny said." It was true, the boy who lived became really muscular, and he also grew much taller, but he didn't think it was so different. And even if that part with the girls drooling after him couldn't have interested him less.

Lucky for the raven haired, the candy trolly, stopped by their compartment, asking if they want sweets. Ron gladly spent his money on it, buying more than Harry could ever eat, leaving Hermione and Harry a little time alone, with the smart Gryffindor gladly used. "Harry, you have to tell him!" But the Defeater Voldemorts just rolled his eyes, even though knew he had to.

"Hermione how do you suggest, I tell him? 'Hi Ron, did you know I'm gay and in love with the one, who used to bully us and who used to serve the dark Lord, you know the one we call ferret?' I can't do that!"

This time it was Hermione who rolled her eyes, an annoyed sigh escaping her lips. "Guys look, I brought chocolate frogs for all of us!" The red haired boy came back, big packages on his arms. Harry chuckled, head-shaking, asking himself how he could be friends with such an idiot.

"So how was your Sommer? You were together at the Burrow right?" Harry asked, not noticing the slight blush, that crept onto Hermiones cheek.

"Uhm our Summer was... adventurous" She answered, not sure if that's the right word to describe their holidays. Ron winked at her, a smug grin on his lips "Yeah very adventurous" The young couple exchanged knowing places, slowly leaning closer, into a sweet kiss, who heated quickly. When the Chosen one heard his best friends moan, he decided he had enough, standing up, searching for another compartment. The first few were already full, then he came to one were Crabbe and Goyle sat, both murdering Harry with glares.

Only the last compartment wasn't full, one figure, face hidden by a jacket, sat in there. He couldn't quite recognize his opponent, but seeing that the person slept, he did't ask. With a sigh the raven haired layed his head at the cold glas, enjoying the view, looking at the passing clouds and nature. Until he heard a silent "Potter?"

Harry knew that voice. He would recognize it everywhere, the voice of Draco Malfoy. "Hi Malfoy?" There was an awkward tension in the air, as the two opponents stared at each other, both afraid of the others reaction. "Why...why are you here?" Draco voice was trembling, like his hands, and Harry couldn't help but notice, the dark bags under the gray eyes half hidden behind the messy white hair.

"Ron and Hermione were, uhm occupied, you could say, and this was the only free compartment" A silent Oh escaped the ex death eater. "Why are you...why didn't you leave?"The white haired's voice was still a little shaky but not as bad as before.

"Should I leave?" Suddenly the Tension changed. The boys couldn't name it, it was just...different. "I..no I mean only if you want to" Draco whispered softly, not daring to meet the green eyes. He was waiting for the raven haired to stand up, screaming at him, throwing insults, or for him too just leave, but Harry stayed. When Draco looked up, the Gryffindor had his eyes closed, leaning against the glass of the window again.

"Can I ask question?" Draco jumped, he thought the raven haired was asleep. "You already did" Harry chuckled softly, wondering where the sudden coincidence of the white haired came from.

"Did you choose to have the dark mark, and follow Voldemort?" The gray eyed was startled by the bluntness of the Gryffindor. His answer was quiet but simple "No" A small smile appeared on the raven haired's lips, a warm sensation rushed trough his veins, along with a prickling.

Gray met Green. The world seemed to be standing still, and everything around them disappeared, it was only Draco and Harry. Butterflies erupted in both Stomaches, seamed to fly flips. Tingling and warm Feeling spread throughout their bodies, giving them goose bumps.

The raven haired never saw the little spots of darker and lighter silver in his eyes and the Slytherin never noticed the golden sprinkles in the emerald eyes. Both boys were mesmerized by the others beauty. A fuzzy feeling seemed to daze their minds, only aware of the presence of each other. Simpel said it was magical.

Suddenly, they were brought back to reality, the train stopped. Neither of them wanted to leave, leave each others presence, leave the warm feeling, leave the tingling tension.

But sadly they had to part. The awkward tension came back, neither of them saying a word while packing up their stuff, not daring to look at each other. With a small bye they parted, both of them missing each other, already.

The dizziness disappeared by the time Harry stood outside the train, waiting for his best friends. Hermione and Ron didn't make the raven haired wait long, arm in arm, with messy hair, red cheeks and gloss eyes, they came out of the train, making it clear what they've been doing in harry's absence."Harry, come on let's get back, shall we?"


"Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. Welcome to everyone new, and hello to those who return. Especially the ones who deiced to repeat the event year. And I would like to honor, the death ones, who could no longer be beside us. But this isn't a sad event, it's a happy one, because we survived. Thanks to all who helped to defeat Voldemort and rebuild Hogwarts. And now let's begin our banquet"

McGonagall, the new headmaster of Hogwarts, sat back down, allowing everyone to dig in.

Candles flew above their heads, spending a confortable light, making them feel home. It reminded the golden boy alot of the time when Dumbledore was here. He missed the old wizard, he was like a family he never had to him. Harry thought about all the times Dumbledore was there for him, supporting him and just being there.

Little did he know two gray eyes were watching him the whole time.

Not much Gryffindors returned, only about 30% or something like that. So Harry had a room for his own, making Ron a little jealous who was one of the only students who had to share a room. and that with Seamus.

Two things annoyed him about that, first he didn't have a private room for him and Hermione and second he was with Seamus! Seamus and his boyfriend Dean were well known for not being the silencest ones, if you understand.

Harry's room wasn't big but confortable, there was only one major differenz than to the years before: he had a bathroom alone.

He never had that before, he didn't even have a room on his own before. And the Dursleys only let him use the bathroom one time each day.

Not long later he layed on his bed, thinking of a perticular ferret and his gray eyes. And with that thought he slowly fell asleep.

The white haired slytherin didn't have luck, he had to share a room and that with Nott. Nott despised him, since the war, when Draco changed sides.

The gray eyed boy was afraid, of Nott, of the future, but most importantly of his feelings for an emerald eyed boy. He shouldn't feel this way, towards Harry, damn he shouldn't even like boys that way. He was supposed to marry a pureblood girl, probably Astoria, have pureblood children and  have everything he wouldn't want to have.

Thats not entirely true, Draco wanted kids, he wanted to marry someone but not a girl. When he pictured his future he always saw him with Harry, sometimes little kids running around them.

It hurted him, to know that his wish will never come true, that Harry will get married to a beautiful girl ad completely forget that Draco even existed.

Slowly his eyes closed, memories of the boy who lived, rushed trough his mind, guided him to sleep.

For the first time in a long time, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. The Slytherin dreamed about harry and him, together, kissing, cuddling and just living.


First chapter...

So what are your thought about it, what should I change, where did I make mistakes?

Skayla Heart

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