Somewhere and No Where

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"I can't wait to get home, I'm shattered" Yawned Jason, Spencer nodded in agreement. Walking up the stairs seemed like a struggle for the pair, cold, tiered and a little tipsy; never a good combination. They finally made it to Spencer's front door, but something didn't seem right, there wasn't anything wrong but there both FBI agents they got this vibe. Spencer looked over at Jason with worry and Jason did the same. Slowly Jason reached behind his back where is gun sat snug under his jacket and on his hip. He pulled out the gun and placed his finger to his lips, indicating to Reid to keep quiet. Unfortunately Reid left his gun in the flat as it wasn't needed to go to a bar, which made him think why Jason had his? Even in such casual wear. The door was unlocked, which wasn't right. "You locked it right?" Reid nodded.

The room was dark, curtains partly closed, meaning the only illumination was coming from the cracks, yellow, orange like light streamed into the apartment, shadows dance around there feet and chills travelled down their spins as if a ghost had simply ran it's fingers along the nerves. Gun in front, followed by Jason and Reid, turning corners quickly making sure there was no one hiding anywhere. They had checked every room but no one there, so Jason walked over to the light switch, but before he could a felt something heavy hit him round the back of the head, he fell to the ground with a great thump, all he heard was the muffled screams of Spencer, and everything went black.

The Team

"So, how was everyone's weekend off?" Spoke Morgan as he walked into the ball pen room to his fellow team mates holding a fresh cup of coffee. "Well my beautiful hunk of gorgeousness mine was rather nice, home alone with a nice glass of red and movies" Replied Garcia, Morgan smiled and draped his arm over her shoulder pulling her into for a hug. "Well Henry had a play day with his friends so me and Will went for a meal" JJ said.
"What do you think Hotch does?" The team all stood and thought about it but not one of them came up with a good idea."Hang on, where's Reid?" Everyone looked around, not realising that Reid was late for work, which isn't normal, he was always in first, sometimes even before Hotch, which is rare but still Reid was never late. But before the team could think any more, Hotch called them to the Round table. There was no case files, no photos of morbid murders and the monitor was off. "Hotch what's going on?" Derek asked.

"Well I have some news" the team all looked at one another. "It's not bad news I've just been asked to lead another case with the Special Ops in Pakistan. I can't say any more about it as it's confidential. Morgan I want you to lead the team while I am gone, okay?" Morgan gave him a puzzling look, his dark eyebrows raised, before Morgan got to say anything the look on everyone's face is something he will never forget. They were all staring at the monitor behind him, Morgan, turned, swinging round his body to find out what everyone was looking at. His jaw dropped. "Reid!"

1 Hour Earlier....Reid P.O.V

The beatings and the torture felt like it went on for hours and hours, my skin was sore to touch, I can't move my arms or my legs as every time I do searing pains shots throughout my body, and my head feels like a been beaten with a baseball bat...oh wait...I have. A big clock sat right in front of me and Jason...12 minutes till the next round of abuse. At every hour, for 15 minutes he finds new ways to torture us. First he just beat us with his fists, then he burnt us with metal he pull from the fireplace, he drowned us then electrocuted us and next I don't want to know what he has in store. My whole body hates me, screaming from the inside, but there was nothing I could to, I was tied to a chair, rope cutting at my wrists and ankles, my throat was so dehydrated I couldn't even yell for help. I got it worse then Jason, he always did it to me first, gets more his aggression out on me, and by the time he got to Jason he was tiered. As I looked over to him, dry blood clung to the right side of his face from where he was hit and knocked out. His body bruised and burnt, black marks on his hands, arms and neck from where the hot metal pipe and scorched his skin, I can feel tears strolling out the corner of my eyes, I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to show weakness but I couldn't help it. Seeing his limp body just slumped against an old wooden chair was killing me, that is the first kind of torture, watching the one I love scream and cry out in pain. What's this guys problem with us?, why is he doing this? and Who is he? So many questions swam throughout my head, making me dizzy. My eyes felt heavy as I haven't slept in over 13 hours. He has had us for this long but out of the 13, only 3 of them were him torturing us, the other time he was ever sat staring at us for hours and hour or just sleeping.

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