Twenty Three

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Even with the air conditioning on, it was still a hot day in the capital city on the day of the One Direction concert. Of course everyone in the city had heard about it, or at least everyone I had talked to. A lot of my closer coworkers knew that I knew the One Direction boys, so they didn't fail to bring them up once in a while. I didn't tell them anything further than that I had met them while in Hawaii in hopes of keeping my cover a little longer. Honestly, I wasn't prepared for this crazy world that Louis had to face everyday. And today, I would have to at least pretend like I was.

Marlee had stayed with me at my parents house up until today. It was definitely a relief in the household given that I had someone else to talk to besides my parents, whom I was still pretty upset with. We'd managed to have lots of fun, and tonight we would allow that to continue when we were finally reunited with the boys of One Direction.

I had missed Louis a lot, obviously. We talked on the phone pretty much everyday, which was nice. I loved his voice, but that didn't mean that I didn't miss his touch. Even with Marlee here, I still feel like I need him. So, I'm glad we'll be together again for at least a few days. And then, after his tour is over, a lot more.

It was a challenge telling my parents that I wanted to move out. I mean, I had moved out before, but that was only a twenty minute difference. This was a six hour flight; an ocean between us. I loved them, and even if what they did prompted me to make this decision, I would miss them terribly.

When I told them, they were upset. We started off yelling, as we normally do. But at some point during the conversation my mother seemed to break down and my father soon after. It was strange, but they suddenly became incredibly sad rather than angry. They told me that they understood my decision and would support me in it, knowing that it would help. Of course I did too apologize for all the trouble we had been dealing with for the last few days; they returned the apology as well which made things feel a little better. But as I told them, it would be a long time until things were back to normal.

We also discussed what I would do about work. My current job didn't seem to have any connections to London, but as we looked online, we saw some openings at some local London papers. I told them I would apply for every one, and I will most likely keep to that promise. I'd rather not have to rely on them and Louis, I want to do this for myself. I think that's the big thing about this move: it's for myself and no one else; that's something I've never done.

It was about noon when Marlee came back over to my place. She had gone to see Niall this morning for breakfast and moved all her belongings into their hotel room together. But for now, the boys had to go do some work things before the concert and we had to get ready. It had been a long time since I'd been to a concert, and given that today would be extremely interesting, I needed to start preparing myself as soon as possible.

"So are you excited?" Marlee asked as we sat around in my room, listening to music and just hanging out. "Yeah, I am actually. I haven't been to a concert in ages, so this should be really fun." I smiled, thinking about how much fun we would have. I didn't really know that many One Direction songs, but I had been learning some of their new ones. Hopefully they will sing those tonight so I can impress Louis with my lyric knowledge from the side of the stage or wherever we stand to watch the show.

"And of course, you get to see your smoking hot boyfriend. But you know, that's just a plus." Marlee joked and I laughed. "Yeah, I'm excited to see him too. And all the guys. It'll be fun. I'm just worried about the fans and stuff, apparently they can get pretty crazy." I sigh, thinking about some of the things I've read or heard about from multiple sources.

"Yeah, they really love the guys. Most of them are great, really sweet and awesome. But some are just flat out crazy, and may try to hurt you somehow. I wouldn't freak out about it though, because that's what all the security is for. It just may be a little overwhelming at first. If you're around it for a while, you eventually get used to it." she advised me and I was able to breathe a quick sigh of relief. I was pretty worried about the fan situation, and now I could be at least a little at ease. With Marlee at my side, I felt a little more confident.

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