Materialistic Identity

8 1 0

November 30, 2017


Materialistic objects

Are a form of representation

Of our individuality.

Our power as a consumer

Is what manifests how materialism

In some way or form

symbolizes who we are.

However, it represents us

At such a low level of our being,

In the essence that

They entirely don't.

Because essentially materialistic objects

Are all perishable.

But the core of who you are

Consists of the things that aren't tangible,

But are the abstract things

That people cannot take away from you.

Notions such as

Intelligence, passion, love

Memories, perspective, soul.

And I think that's why

God made humans capable of fully

Possessing whole ownership of that,

Because those are the things

That are truly meaningful in who we are. 

Materialistic IdentityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang