Chapter 4

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Bailey backed to the edge of the blue mat, careful that his back foot wouldn't touch anything else. It would result in another ten push-ups if any part of him touched the ground. Next time she attacked, he would have to make sure to dodge past her so he would be able to gain a better position to fight back.

It shouldn't be too hard for him, and if he weren't fighting Valerie right now, he would've been able to do just that. Too bad her next kick caught him in the stomach and sent him sprawling off the mat.

"Ten more," she said.

He got in a push-up position and started.

She stretched as she walked in circles, "You know, if you didn't dodge to create so much space, you wouldn't be putting yourself in a corner. Try to keep your movements a bit smaller when my attacks are smaller. Don't need you running from a punch."

After he was done, he stepped back to face her. "Are you forgetting how strong you are?"

She smirked, "That kick didn't kill you. You should be attacking more anyway, make sure I don't pressure you all the time."

She was doing everything she could so she wouldn't accidentally hospitalize him. Her claws went through flesh like butter, and if she hit too hard, she could easily break a bone of his. Without trying very hard, she could kill him so easily, even when she didn't want to. He was showing some promise, at least for a fighter.

He took a ready stance, "Now I really think you're forgetting that you aren't soft at all."

She did the same, "Tougher than steel."

Bailey stared at her. There was no way her body was actually tougher than steel. She would be almos-

Valerie's leg connected with his side. He gritted his teeth and used the momentum to roll away.

"Don't get distracted," she growled. Maybe she had spoken too soon about how much promise he was showing.

She quickly moved in close, purposely stepping too far in to throw her balance off, and threw a weak punch directed at his head. It was easy for him to duck it, but it was mostly so he could get an easy shot at her.

He took advantage, slipping to her side and throwing a right hook to her stomach. It made contact, but the result wasn't something he desired.

She was puzzled when she heard him yelp.

"Yep, your whole body is steel," he whined, shaking his hurt hand.

She grabbed him by the collar and tossed him out their pseudo-ring. As she watched him rub his aching shoulder, she couldn't help but think if she could've been a bit nicer.

He was about to start a new set of push-ups, but she stopped him, "No, no. We're done for today. Any more and you may show bruises, and I know Zaps would be mad at me."

He got up and went to grab a towel, "You make it sounds like she cares."

Valerie started rolling up the mat, "She doesn't like seeing you hurt. But she didn't want to be a part of your training, so she doesn't have to deal with you every single day."

"I'm I really that much of a nuisance?" he asked as he wiped the sweat off his face.

"Not lately, not for me," she said as she picked the mat over her shoulder, "You've been doing well, so I got no complaints. Astra thoughts, on the other hand, isn't that great."

The training wasn't as difficult as it was in the first week. It made him smile that he was showing some improvement. He asked when he sat near the door to the lower floors, "Is that why you've been so nice to me lately?"

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