Intro-I have my headband-duction

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Foxy: Aye! Ey there lads and lasses! This story is a Foxy and Chica fanfic!

Me: *clears throat* *whispers* Foxy…

Foxy: Oh! Uhh… hehe… pardon me. *goes out of room*

Me: Ok, as Foxy said… this is a Chica and Foxy f-

Chica: Foxy! Have you seen my headband?!

Me: Okay, as I-

Foxy: No! Why?!

Me: Guys,  please I'm in the middle of-

Bonnie: I think its in the your room! 

Me: Guys, plea-

Chica: Its not there!

Me: Guys, what the he-

Freddy: Check under your bed!

Me: …

Chica: Okay!

*moment of silence*

Me: … okay, as I was-

Chica: FOUND IT!

Me: Oh whatever! Just start with the story!!!!

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